Silly Putty suicide, additional postage required, a short workout, & playing in a Washing Machine…

~Friday~ Two normally unrelated things in my life came together this week:

  1. the campus on which I work, NC State University (NCSU)
  2. a fellow blogger and friend, Ginny Skalski

when NCSU did a public experiment and Ginny recorded it and put it on her website,

Before you look at the video, picture in your mind what it is going to look like when a 50-pound blob of Silly Putty is dropped off a 10-story building and hits the pavement. You might be surprised at what actually happens. View the video to see, and be sure to watch it in its entirety to learn why it does what it does. (It’s just over 3 minutes long.)

I can’t embed the vid as it’s in a javascript-based container, which LiveJournal doesn’t support. Click to watch the vid on

The bus ride in was uneventful this morning. I read some of Anna Karenina while en route.

I had two meetings at work today, one of which got moved to Monday, which suited me just fine as it was at 3:00 in the afternoon on a Friday.

At lunch time, I walked to the post office to mail my dad’s Father’s Day card, and it’s a good thing I did, as it required an additional $.17 postage. I hate when extra-postage-required cards don’t say so on the envelope. This one was large enough that I suspected it might.

I had a most delicious Chicken Greek Salad at Jasmine’s, which is right next to the post office.

I went to the gym immediately after work so that I could head out to Durham by 7:45. I started off with the ten minutes it took to do 225 ab crunches, and followed that up with a brisk 30-minute 569-calorie-burning cardio workout on the elliptical machine.

I listened to music today instead of a podcast, but it wasn’t the best experience. I had to keep futzing with my iPod as I didn’t select the correct playlist, and annoying songs kept popping up that I didn’t want to listen to.

I also didn’t take a water bottle today, as I knew my workout was going to be on the short side, but I upped the intensity a little resulting in swine-like sweat, and definitely could’ve used some hydration intermittently.

I went to see Washing Machine tonight, which is the current play in Manbites Dog Theater‘s Other Voices series, running the next couple of weeks. Here’s a description of the play:

WASHING MACHINE is a tragicomic solo performance about the mysterious death of a five year old girl who drowned inside a laundromat washing machine. Inspired by a Washington Post news article, the play is a bracing re-imagining of the five year old girl’s final moments of breath as she and the small town wrestle with the consequences of her death.

Fist in the Pocket, out of NYC, is the theater company staging the play. About Fist in the Pocket:

FIST IN THE POCKET is a bold new theatre company developing and producing plays that are fierce, funny, visceral and immediate. We brew live performances that are a mixture of the traditional and the bizarre. Through intimate performance and arresting design, we craft gritty and humorous portraits of outcasts and misfits in sublime situations of hilarity and heartache. Founded in 2007 by director Michael Chamberlin and playwright Jason Stuart.

The director and actress (who plays all eight characters in the play) were interviewed recently by Frank Statio of WUNC’s The State of Things. My two favorite of her characters were the laundromat owner and the old flower salesman who had put his coins in the washing machine—to no avail—earlier in the day. One of the two scenes read in the interview is of the laundromat owner.

Looking for a “date night” in the next week or two? Check out the show. It’s just under an hour, so it won’t cost you an arm and a leg for a babysitter, or you can still go out afterwards for some dinner and dancing! Manbites Dog Online Box Office

I found out that a guy I know who has worked at—I don’t know how—many coffee shops that I’ve frequented in Raleigh—Morning Times, Helios, and Third Place, as well as being a server at The Borough—is going to travel across the country for a couple of years stopping in different cities and working at various coffee shops. How interesting.

His story was in the N&O recently. He’ll blog about his experience at

Before heading to Durham for the play, I was planning to go out to Legends tonight for the Crape Myrtle Festival fundraiser, Miss Prissy Patio, which I thought was at 10:00. But as the play turned out to be much shorter than I’d anticipated, I came home before heading downtown.

I noted on Legends’ website that the show was actually at midnight. I decided to stay in and just enjoy a quiet night reading instead.

Book progress:

312 pages read, 505 to go. 38% done, 62% to go.

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