Pest service, Friday Latte, Grammar/Campus police, a workout, and bar talk…

~Friday~ I worked from home this morning. My exterminator was scheduled to arrive some time between 8AM and 10AM, and he arrived at about 8:05. New guy. Latino. Hair poking out of top unbuttoned shirt button. About a 7 out of 10.

I met Anna, Kim, and Brad at The Third Place for Friday Latte. Actually, I met Anna and Kim there, and after 20 minutes or so, we called Brad for his noon wake-up call. He arrived about 20 minutes later.

Kim had obtained a Google Voice invitation, and gave us a little demo of how it works. She said she’d send me an invitation. Woohoo!

On the drive from Third Place to my office for the afternoon, a commercial came on the radio about a Durham or Chapel Hill fertility clinic that is opening a branch in Raleigh. At the end of their commercial, they said something to the effect of… “Our new location in Raleigh offers more endless opportunities to make your dreams come true.”

I’m sorry, but rhetorically, and grammatically, the word “endless” is already a superlative. You can’t have “more” endless, just like you can’t have “more infinity.” One can however, obviously from these types of claims, have “more hyperbole.”

And speaking of grammar, today I wore this t-shirt of mine:

Grammar Police t-shirt

and when I walked over to the campus library to renew my Kindle, I came up to a parked campus police car toward which walked two campus cops in their full regalia.

When I got close to them, one laughed at my shirt, and said, “Grammar Police!”

“Campus Police!” I replied laughing too, and then, “Wanna duke it out?”

To which he replied, “No way. You’d tear me up. I’m from New York.”

I think people have inferior grammar complexes about their own cities. I’ve mentioned this before here, that once when I got off a plane in Florida with this shirt on, someone coming the other way in the terminal said to me when they saw it, “You’re going to be very busy here in Florida.” A guy on the bus said something about it too, a month or two ago, “You must stay busy here in the South.” His inferiority complex took in a whole region of the country.

As I walked up the library stairs, I waved across The Brickyard, because, though I couldn’t see it, I knew there was a webcam broadcasting my trek.

My friend Kim recently uploaded this picture from a celebration of our graduation from grad school in December of 2007. Two things about this photo: 1) It’s one of the rare, rare occasions you’ll see me drinking beer (a dark malt, no less), and 2) It’s the picture from which I cropped myself to put on the back of my Moo MiniCards.

Milton, Kim, and John raising a glass at Mitch's

And, yes, Milton is as beautiful in person as he is in this picture! And straight, but we all know it was not a choice; he was born that way.

I made it to the gym this evening, after too long of an absence, really, so I went the extra mile—or the extra 30 minutes, at least.

After 225 ab crunches (15 sets of 15), I did 60 minutes on the elliptical machine. My t-shirt was absolutely drenched after burning a whopping 1076 calories, according to the elliptical’s computer.

I made a quick stop, after changing my t-shirt of course, at the Harris Teeter right next door to the gym.

This morning, instead of rolling my trash can back around to the back, which I’ve always done, since our covenants say you can be fined if you don’t, I just pushed it up against my townhouse, right by my door, under the light.

Leaving at around 10:30 to meet Alex at Flex, I opened my front door to find something I haven’t found in quite a while now—maybe a year. As if to punish me, I found a huge spiderweb connected from the light to the trash can, with a relatively small spider going to town in it, having just caught a bug. I absolutely hate spiders, and I hate it even more when I open my front door to them.

Spider in its web wrapping a bug

Another shot of said spider going to town on the bug

It was relatively dead at Flex; Friday’s are so hit and miss there ever since it was declared “Alternative Night.” The only Friday night that’s consistently well-attended is the first Friday of the month, when it’s 120 Minutes night, which draws a lot of straight and Goth folks.

Alex and I went over to Legends right at midnight to see the show. Legends, without a doubt, has the best drag in Raleigh. I totally enjoyed it.

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