~Wednesday~ I was up at 5:20, left my house at 5:30, and picked up Joe at 5:45 for an airport delivery of his body to the US Airway terminal for yet another trip to Pennsylvania to address family issues.
Back home, I had a quick breakfast, and brewed four cups of coffee while I made my lunch. When the coffee was brewed, I discovered that the thermos I needed to pour it into was still at work. That sucked. I drank as much of it as I could before I had to run to the bus.
There were only about four other people on the bus today, all of whom seemed pretty stable—no one talked about being on probation or applying for a divorce only to find out that they were never legally married.
I read The Audacity of Hope on the way in, thinking about how in just a couple of hours its author was going to be speaking in Raleigh.
Speaking of that, the Twitter tweets picked up as Obama’s arrival time approached. This one, which was tweeted from the venue at which he was speaking when his arrival was imminent, made me laugh out loud:
@renewabelle Lots of dudes talking to their wrists. He must be close… |
I attended a “Lunch & Learn” session today called, “All the Hype about Skype.” It was a well-done session with a mix of an oral presentation to learn about the concepts, a look at some of the equipment (e.g., cameras, microphones, and headsets, which were actually brought to the session by the instructor) used to Skype, and ending with a demo of a call between two Skype users.
I think most of you know that I have an account on Twitter: @nematome. Well, I also run a Twitter account at work, @ncsu_oit, which our organization uses for three communicative purposes:
- Advertising (workshops,seminars, services, events)
- Announcements (outages, change management, security incidences, etc.)
- News (IT, education, social media, IT in education, social media in IT, social media in education)
So, I tweeted this tweet from my personal Twitter account:
nematome British government tells civil servants to tweet. 20-page document on how to use 140 characters. http://idek.net/MAk |
and then immediately retweeted it on my business Twitter account:
ncsu_oit RT: @nematome British government tells civil servants to tweet. 20-page document on how to use 140 characters. http://idek.net/MAk |
Right after that, I made up this mylifeisaverage.com entry:
I just retweeted a personal tweet of mine on my business Twitter account. I felt megalomaniacal. #mylifeisaverage |
Okay, so maybe you had to be there.
Dancing was an absolute ton of fun tonight. Once again, we had a good crowd, several dancers, and a full dozen people taking the lesson. Carl re-taught/reviewed Jambalaya and this time I actually got it working on all four walls, and by the end of the night, it had almost “gone rote.” (We did it a second time later in the evening, which is always nice to give people more practice on a freshly-learned dance before it disappears from their head.)
I had some fun two-steps, two in particular with Steve (Walter’s hubby) and one with Michael. I also two-stepped with Rob, Bill, Joe (of Phil & Joe) and Steve H.
Geromy and I tried to do Schottische, but couldn’t get it together, so gave up. I was wishing that Robert was there to do it with him. (And the dance, too. Badumpbump.) Speaking of Robert, I also thought of him on the way to Flex when a most beautiful, large half-moon was visible.
I received several affirmations about my dancing this evening (Thanks, Steve and Alex!), and one in particular really made my night. Michael said that I was a good lead, which coming from a trained dancer really meant a lot.