Leftovers, running a fever and a fruitless ATM errand, a few to-do items checked off…

~Sunday~  I forgot to mention a couple of things from last night:

1) There was a guy at Flex, who if he didn’t enter the “Low Budget” category of the costume contest, he should have. His body was heavily tattooed, and he was completely naked except that his junk was stuck into a hard plastic hollow skeleton head, with his bush all about the outside of it like a head of hair. It looked like the Halloween version of “D*ck in a Box.”

2) Some time last week at the door to Legends, some very young kid asked me if I could spot him $2.00 to get in. Normally I never oblige such requests, but that night I did. (Probably encouraged by the alcohol at Flex before going over. But I digress…) Well, walking to Legends from Flex last night, on Morgan Street right by The Ugly Monkey bar, these two young kids passed Joe and I going in the direction opposite to us. Once past us, we hear, “Sir! Sir?” and turning around lo and behold was that boy. “You loaned me two dollars the other night to get in Legends. Thanks a lot. Here you go,” he said handing me two bucks. There is hope for the next generation!

I ran a fever most of the day, from a first check at 100.0°, to 100.5° a couple hours later. At that point I took 1000MG of Tylenol, and an hour or so after that, it had dropped to 98.8°.

Late in the afternoon, I drove over to the IBM credit union, this time to the one over in Cary. I was once again armed with my five 100-dollar bills, and this time with my correct PIN.

Wash, rinse, repeat. I got the final hundred in (with none of them being spit out this time), and after it took the last one and indicated processing, instead of getting the message, “Your PIN is incorrect. Please enter the correct PIN,” I got, “Transaction cannot be processed. Canceling transaction.”

It spit out my five 100-dollar bills, and a receipt that said:

SEQ NBR: xxxx                               AMT: $0.00

Color me speechless. I find it unfathomable that it didn’t know from hello that it wasn’t going to accept my card.

I stopped by the grocery store at the Harris Teeter of Buck Jones Road on the way home, where everything I bought was on sale. Or more succinctly I should say, I only bought things that were on sale.

When I tweeted about my fever, @DiMambro direct tweeted me to let me know he was in the downtown area and that if I needed anything, he’d be glad to run something by to me. Quality people that guy is.

I had a list of things that I should have worked on today, but feeling as bad as I did all day, I only got to a few of them, which did include the most pressing one at least—the first item on the list:

  • Work stuff: Google Apps @ NC State [BETA] FAQs [✔]
  • Create an HTML album out of the wedding pictures that Donna sent to me [✔]
  • Write out a couple of charity checks to send out as soon as I can get that damn $500 deposited into the credit union [✔]
  • Minutes of the October 21, 2009 Manbites Dog Theater Board of Directors meeting
  • STC competition judging
  • A “Group Snapshot” I want to do of everyone going on our Gulf Coast Alternative Spring Break Trip
  • Read some more of Big Machine
  • Take a look at the novel of a friend’s wife, but that I won’t be able to really read until I finish Big Machine

I took my temperature before going to bed early—at 9:00—and it read, 99.6°. I took another two hits of 500MG of Tylenol, and then rethought taking some Nyquil on top of that. I remember reading that it has a good dosage of Acetaminophen in it, too, and I’d already had enough of that at 1000MG.

I mean I do want to sleep soundly, but the big dirt nap is not what I’m going for.

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