Bolos levedos, a surprised kitty, starting holiday cards, a workout, and a night out…

~Saturday~  I went back to sleep at 6:00 and got up at 11:30 amidst the most ridiculous, ridiculous dream.

The Portuguese sweet bread known as massa is indeed all gone, but now I’ve thawed out the Bolos Levedos that I’d put in my freezer. These are Portuguese muffins, also a little bit on the sweet side. Do you see a theme here? Bread. Sweet.

I skipped the turkey sausage this morning, and just had sliced hard-boiled eggs (with the yolk removed) with pepper jack cheese melted over the sliced egg on one of these muffins for breakfast. Good shit.

Cute. Cute. Cute. An amusing 17 seconds:

I started on my holiday cards today, first making a list of everyone who is just going to get my photo card and another list of those who will get both the photo card and my holiday letter. I wrote out the first dozen of the 67 people getting cards only, which is to say that I addressed the envelopes.

I did 45 minutes of cardio work at the gym on the treadmill at a pace the registered between “Endurance Training” and “Athletic Conditioning.” Those are the two higher paces. The lower one is “Heart Healthy.” I had the machine set at an incline of 15 for 30 minutes and at 12.5 for the last 15 minutes. I keep the speed constant at 30, and I burned off 530 calories.

I listened to Christmas music on my iTouch during the workout, first A Country Christmas Wonderland by Various Artists, and then the beginning of Mariah Carey’s Merry Christmas.

On the way home from the gym, I swung by work to pick up the leftover Veggie Lasagna from yesterday’s holiday party, which I heated up for dinner with Joe.

And finally, before heading home, I swung by the Cameron Village Library book drop to return Big Machine, which I’ve renewed five times, but have obviously lost interest in. It’s rare that I abandon a book, so I don’t feel good about it. However, I’m just no longer interested in finding out what this book is all about and what happens to the main characters. It’s not a good sign if you’re still not sure what a book is about after about 300 pages of about 500.

After dinner, Joe and I went to The Borough for a couple of drinks. I drank Diet Coke as I’m still on antibiotics for one more day. We left there at about 9:00 and went to Flex, where by reflex I ordered a bourbon and Diet Coke and a Bud Select for Joe. When I took the first sip, I said, “Woo, that’s a strong drink!” and then “Oh shit! I’m not supposed to be drinking.” I finished that one drink and then had a Diet Coke and sucked on some ice for the rest of the night.

As expected it was tragic in the place tonight. They had three strippers there: one had a little belly and thought he was much hotter than he was both in terms of looks and his (in)ability to dance, the second one was outright fat, and the third one was hairless and clunky. At one point he rubbed his ass in this guy’s crotch and knocked the guy off his stool. Lame. Lame**3 in fact.

I stayed on the other side of the bar by the arcade games so I couldn’t see them at all and so that none of them would come anywhere near me. At midnight, they finally got through the last one, and then they started over. Joe and I promptly, and dearly, departed.

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