Some morning characters, a weight setback (sort of), going to shag, Sweaty Eddie, & hitting a wall..

~Thursday~  Library Man was aboard this morning, reading the News & Observer.

I noticed Mrs. My Three Sons still making the two-block trek to have her kids board the bus where a lot of other kids also board. It’s actually a fairly significant walk for her, as she’s not a petite lady, so it’s extra nice that she does it for the children. At least that’s my assumption as to why she does it. There hasn’t been a Mr. My Three Sons sighting in quite a while now.

As the bus approached the Gorman Street and Hillsborough Street intersection, I saw the Double Stroller Lady, whom I only ever see intermittently, and today she had two babies in the double stroller and another little girl riding a bright pink bicycle beside her. Super mom. Doing it all.

It just occurred to me that I didn’t mention my weigh-in on Tuesday. I actually gained three pounds, or so the scale said. I actually don’t believe it’s possible that I gained three pounds, as I didn’t eat that outrageously the three days I was gone and after I got back I had three days with calorie consumption and depletion as follows:

  1. Friday: 2020 eaten, 1158 burned off in exercise
  2. Saturday: 2063 eaten, 1077 burned off in exercise
  3. Sunday: 2061 eaten, 1150 burned off in exercise

It’s more like I hadn’t really lost what the scales indicated last week, or there was some other factor at play such as the amount of water I’d drank. Who knows? All I do know is that I didn’t let it get me down, because while it is exciting to see the weight change, what’s more of an indicator of my success to me is how I feel and how my clothes fit. Onward and downward.

I attended three meetings today, well two meetings and one “Lunch & Learn.” We had our monthly meeting of my boss’s boss and everyone who reports to him, which is an hour-and-a-half morning meeting, and then another hour-and-a-half working department meeting.

During lunch, I attended Jen’s “Presentation Tools: Beyond PowerPoint” class.

I forgot to mention yesterday, or it might even have been Tuesday, that this same Jen, my friend and colleague, invited me to take Shag Lessons II with her starting on Monday. She took the beginner’s class without a partner, and wants to have a partner for this one.

To that end, she wanted to make sure I at least knew the basic steps and one other step called the Belly Roll that they learned in the beginner’s class. Late in the afternoon, we closed the door to her office and danced a little (and laughed a lot) to bring me up to speed at least just a little.

Before getting on the bus home, I stopped at Kinko’s (virtually next door to my office), where I laminated a certificate that I want to give someone tomorrow.

With at least 25 minutes before the next city, bus would come by, I chose to ride the #9 Greek Village Wolfline bus home instead. On that ride, I overhead this conversation by two students:

Seated: What’d you make in that ecology class last semester?

Standing: A cee. And I didn’t take the final. The final was optional.

Seated: A cee’s pretty good for that class.

Standing. Yeah. You in it now?

Seated: Yeah, got our first test back today.

Standing: How’d you do?

Seated: Got a 66 on it, so not bad.

Standing: Yeah, you just have to get 8s and 9s on your labs. That’s the key to that course. You got Sweaty Eddie?

Seated: Yeah. That’s what everybody calls him. I saw him at the gym the other day.

Standing: Really? Was he sweaty?

Seated: [laughing] Yeah, he was.

At home, after dinner I just hit a wall. I had to have some sleep.

I slept for about two hours, and then did a load of laundry and caught up yesterday’s and today’s blog entries.

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