A nightmare of a development, joe w/Hugh, some digital house-cleaning, & a book I’m still not into..

~Sunday~  During the night, I woke up at least three times within a span of about ten minutes, waking myself out of nightmares that continued once I feel back asleep. Very restless and disconcerting.

Coincidentally and interestingly, one of the first things I saw online this morning was an article on MSN with the headline: Top 10 True Urban Myths, one of which was: Eating candy before bed gives you nightmares. I immediately thought of those two Hershey’s Kisses I had right before hitting the sack last night.

One other interesting item in that top ten list was this fact, which I’d just heard earlier this week, although I can’t remember where and in what context: Santa Claus was green before Coca-Cola.

I met my friend Hugh for coffee at Cup A Joe at Mission Valley at 2:00, where we had great conversation, which is exactly why I enjoy his company. He’s just good people doing good work. Support him, with cash or with things, if you’re so inclined.

I stayed there after he left, where I did a bit of “digital house-cleaning,” and at one point, after noticing the wind picking up and the sky getting dark, the bottom absolutely fell out of the sky. After about ten minutes of torrential downpour, it occurred to me that I’d left my sunroof open about an inch, as well as all four of my windows down about as much. I ran out to my car, getting drenched in the process, and found the seats soaked as expected, although since they are leather, they dried off quickly later when the rain stopped.

While at Cup A Joe, I had one of their most delicious slices of banana nut bread, along with about three cups of coffee. On and off, I made Scrabble moves in the four online games currently in progress through Facebook. I also listened to Dvorak’s Symphony #9, also known as “The New World Symphony,” mostly to block out the conversation around me.

I ran though the steps in this and was both surprised and pleased to find out that I had already done all of them: Facebook Privacy Settings: How To Fix Your Profile In 2 Minutes (VIDEO). Have you?

I read a little more of The Blind Side this evening. Still not into it.

At one point, I fell asleep reading it, and once again, awoke with a start, forcing myself out of a nightmare. No candy this time. Not loving this sudden development.

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