MBD BOD meeting, hanging at Robert’s place, The Kids Are All Right, & the pre-party that wasn’t…

~Saturday~  I was up at 8:00 this morning, since I got to bed early. I had a couple of turkey sausage biscuits for breakfast with some coffee, while I finished up my Friday blog entry.

For the rest of the morning, I finalized the agenda for our board meeting at noon, and finished up the minutes of our June meeting. I hate doing those things at the last minute like that, but it is what it is and it felt good to complete it no matter.

We had a very productive Manbites Dog Theater board of directors meeting, which was scheduled from noon until 1:30, about officially adjourned at about 1:45. The rest of the board stayed to look at our issues with a new ticketing system we’re using, but I had to leave as I had lunch plans with Robert.

We were going to eat at the newly re-opened King’s Sandwich Shop, right next door to the theater in fact (that’s Manbites Dog’s awning off to the right there), but the line was too long and it was taking to long to get your food, by Robert’s observations while he waited for our meeting to finish. We ended up lunching at a nearby McDonald’s instead.

We spent the afternoon at Robert’s place. I just love his house. He’s done a nice job making it homey, and his new washer and dryer are awesome. 🙂

I worked on doing the minutes of the board meeting I’d just left, stopping intermittently to make Scrabble moves in the game I was playing with Robert on Facebook.

At about 6:30, we left to stop by Big Lots to pick up some candy for the movie we were headed to, but I diverted us to a Family Dollar store that we came to first. Running in, we bought one box of Milk Duds and one box of Raisinets.

We went to see the 7:15 showing of The Kids Are All Right at the Carolina Theater, which ended up starting 15 minutes late. I opened the box of Milk Duds and ate one. Then I said to Robert, “Taste one of these and tell me what you think it tastes like.”

Fabric softener dryer sheets or laundry detergent. That’s what we both thought. Gross. We tossed the box. So much for saving money on movie candy, although both it and the Raisinets were a $1.00, so even considering it $2.00 for a box of Raisinets, it came out cheaper than buying them at the theater for $3.50 or $4.00.

Robert and I both thoroughly enjoyed this movie, whose premise is that because the kids want to meet him, the sperm donor of their Lesbian moms, comes into their lives.

If you’re an Annette Bening fan, you’re sure to enjoy this movie. And if you’re a fan of hairy men, you’re sure to enjoy the quasi-nude scenes with Mark Ruffalo in them. (This is Mark Ruffalo with Naomi Watts in the movie We Don’t Live Here Any More.)

Someone had this as one of their Facebook status updates and I like it:

Superficial: You borrow money you don’t have, to buy things you don’t need, to impress people you don’t like!

After the movie, I drove back to Raleigh and met Joe at Flex, where tonight was billed as “BEARCITY The Movie Pre-Party, also Carolina Bear Lodge Bar Night.” Other than having posters up on the wall about the movie, and some fliers about it on some of the tables, there was no announcement or anything said about the movie. I don’t understand how this was a pre-party, particularly since the movie doesn’t show until the NCGLFF starts next Thursday.

There was a very young kid walking around the place—definitely not 21-looking, 18 was even questionable. He was smooth as a baby’s bottom, and walked around only in his underwear, or they might have been shorts that looked like underwear. Whatever. The point is, what was the point? He wasn’t a bear by any stretch of the definition, so he was walking around on a BEARCITY movie pre-party and bear night, because?

I wish I had a dollar for every time I shook my head in bewilderment at the “theme night” any given Saturday in that place. Lucky for them, and me I suppose, the booze is cheap and there are gay people there.

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