A hairy run, a meds drop-off, hateful overeating, a let-go bartender, and Jackasses…

~Wednesday~  I was totally not into going to work again today, which is a trend I don’t like. I’m going to make some adjustments to my personal calendar today to factor in a little me time. I don’t do the introvert thing often, but every once in a while it beckons me.

I parked on Gorman and caught the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus, and as I was boarding I could see a guy running up the street to try and make the bus. He did make it, and he turned out to be the boy with the hairiest legs ever who was on the bus a couple of weeks back. Not that I noticed.

The bus driver today was one I think of as “The Vivacious One,” as she enthusiastically says, “Y’all gotta move it back!” whenever the bus gets very crowded. Today she was losing her voice, so it was extra cute when she said it.

There was an ad on the bus that said:

Medication Drop-Off Event
April 30th, 10 am – 2 pm
Unused or Expired Pills
Over-the-counter and Prescription Medicines Accepted
Student Health Services Parking Lot

I had no idea there were such things, and it made me think about some expired meds—vicodin and percocet among them—that I simply threw into my trash can a month or so ago.

I was thankful that I had no meetings today, and that my boss was out of the office in class all day.

If there’s one thing an overeater should never do is eat at an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet by themselves. Which is exactly what I did today knowing full well that, especially with the frame of mind I’m in these days, would do nothing but make me feel bad about myself afterwards.

I applied for a job today, which if I got it, would be one that would probably start off as a second job, with the potential of growing into a full-time one.

I caught the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus home, on which the name and/or location of each stop was announced. I think this is a new policy, as I’ve noticed that all of the drivers are doing it now.

I was also on the bus of the driver who alternated between, “Have a good Day and thanks for riding Wolfline,” and “Thanks for riding Wolfline and have a good day.”

Maybe he read my blog rant a week or so ago, because he has started saying his line well in advance of the stop instead of waiting at the stop to say it and keeping the exit doors closed until he finishes.

There was a lady on the bus who appeared to be at war with the elements today:

Lady on bus wearing surgical mask

I really wanted to skip dancing tonight, but after that lunch debacle, I really really needed the exercise, and without a doubt dancing is the most fun way for me to get exercise.

I took a nap, and I hit the snooze at 8:30, and then again at 8:39, and then finally got my ass up and made myself go.

It was pretty dead in the place, and Zack had replaced Matt at the bar. Word on the street was that Matt spent too much time behind the bar texting and surfing the web on his phone, took too many smoke breaks for which he just left the bar unattended while he ran outside, and that he’d gotten rude with a couple of customers.

The rest of the word on the street is that Zack (cutie) and Ron (total hottie) are going to take turns on Wednesday night until Brigner can hire someone else. Ironically, Zack had his Mac out and was on it most of the time when no one was ordering drinks. To his credit, he was sharing the screen on and off with a couple of customers sitting at the bar. I suppose that’s the 2011 version of “working the tips.”

The entire time we were there the most inane movie I have ever had glimpses of was playing on the monitors. It involved all kinds of lewd, and just outright gross, scenes of one or more obscenely obese people doing things that involved body parts, mostly their huge flesh-layered, pock-marked, flabby asses, either rubbing up against ludicrous things or ludicrous things being squeezed into them to various degrees.

I thought several things in the course of it playing during the night:

  1. I can’t believe people paid money to see this movie.
  2. I can’t believe people invested to have this movie made.
  3. Can this movie be any more sophomoric?
  4. I fear for a generation of minds that find the likes of this funny or engaging in any way.
  5. I can’t believe that several of my fellow line-dancers are actually watching so much of this.

And as if to put the knife in and twist it, when I went just now to find a link to this movie, I was reminded that Phil or Joe told me it used to be a TV show, and I see that there are movie sequels to the thing now, including Jackass Number Two, a direct-to-video feature called Jackass 2.5, and Jackass 3D.

An excerpt from Wikipedia about the “uncensored version of the TV Show”:

…and extremely crude humor (such as Butt X-Ray, which involves inserting a toy car wrapped in a condom into Ryan Dunn’s rectum and getting X-rays of the car inside his anus, or Dave England defecating in a display toilet in a plumbing store showroom).

Really? People find that entertaining?

The original movie cost about $5M to make and it grossed more than $64M in North America alone. I can’t even express how horrifying that it is to me. Obviously I’m becoming an out-of-touch curmudgeon.

By 10:30, I couldn’t take another minute of that nonsense and I boot-scootin’-boogied right on out of there.

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