Was it good for you, where in the WORLD, an Easter bonnet mash-up, a reunion dinner, & dancing…

~Wednesday~  I parked at the Avent Ferry Park & Ride this morning, and walking across the parking lot, I ran into my friend Jackie, student team leader of our 2010 ASB Gulf Coast trip. From our short conversation to the bus, I learned about what the Food Lion management considers to be “perimeter” parking there in their lot.

I did a couple of work tasks that I really enjoy doing, one being devising a communiqué, and the other being doing an edit requested by someone not in my direct organization.

I sit alone in a two-person office, with the original intent being that whomever ended up getting hired to replace my manager would be placed in it. Since we all know that ain’t gonna happen, it’s going to start being used by someone who’s not in my direct area, but who is doing a lot of work with our area. He’s going to come in once a week, on Wednesdays, to use that space. Today was his first day there.

He’s a nice guy, and he was quiet as a church mouse, which is my kind of officemate. He had warned me that he likes to sing and told me that if he started singing and it bothered me to just let him know. And when he said that, I said, “I play the radio on and off, so if that bothers you, just let me know.”

I left before him today and on my way out I said to him, “So, how was our first day together? Was it good for you? Was the music too loud? Too much country music?”

He laughed and said, “Nah, I like country music. It was fine.”

A week or so ago, I learned that as a permanent Livejournal account holder, I can enable Google Analytics on my site. Here’s a couple of interesting charts of visitors to my site since I turned it on:

Countries from which readers have accessed my blog

Cities from which readers have accessed my blog


What’s not to love about creative, dramatic, gay men? In a mash-up between this:

Basket balanced on a woman's head Plus sign Easter basket

This is my friend Michael in his Easter bonnet:

Michael Lester with his Easter bonnet on

We had our ASB 2011 Gulf Coast team reunion dinner tonight at the Village Draft House in Cameron Village. Everybody made it except Victoria, Isaac, and Amanda. I had Fish & Chips for dinner, which was decent, but not as good as Hibernian’s.

I sat pretty much in the middle of the table, and most of my conversation was with Tracy, our team’s student leader, who sat to my left and is just a pleasure, and Joyce, who sat across from us and was the other advisor on the trip.

I picked up the tab for dinner, as it’s going to take at least two weeks for the university to reimburse it, and Tracy will be in Guatemala for her Study Abroad summer semester by then.

Dancing was a ton of fun tonight. A guy named Jeffrey was up from Atlanta on business, was a great dancer, and he’s going to be here for three Wednesday’s. He reported that, once again, Three-Legged Cowboy (which used to be Hoedown’s) has closed. It seems that a Trader Joe’s has opened in that shoping center, which has made the rent go through the roof.

We didn’t have all that many of our dancers present, with Carl and Bill absent, and Ernie on vacation out west for his birthday. Jeffrey and I did a couple of the more advanced line dances alone, since we were the only two there who knew them. We also had a great two step, for which we negotiated lead and follow, since we both can do each. Although, we both prefer to follow, he graciously accepted the lead.

Bob brought me a Pampered Chef “Easy Accent Decorator,” as he knew I would be making some deviled eggs for a party on Friday and it can be used to “gussy up” the filling that I’m going to put in them. He also brought me a jar of Nutella, since I’ve mentioned having never tried it a couple of times now in my blog. Sweet! (Literally!)

I read more of that epistolary novel this evening, and it’s… coming along.

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