Eating on my mind, wet things on my buns, butter-soaked corn and I don’t care…

~Thursday~ I caught the Wolfline bus at the Avent Ferry and Gorman stop again this morning, and the ride was uneventful.

I attended our weekly 1.5-hour Google Implementation Team meeting in the Avent Ferry Technology Center, to which I rode courtesy of my colleague and friend, Sarah. I spent most of the time in the meeting thinking about getting back to our building for the Hot Dog Summer luncheon spread that was going on from 11:30 until 1:00. Our meeting was scheduled to end at noon.

I was pleased to be publicly thanked by Jason for my contribution to testing the Web Provisioning Tool he spent a lot of today’s meeting giving a demo of. I had to bite my tongue when people started going down the path of a “First Name” and “Last Name” field on a screen that I did a “think aloud protocol” usability testing technique on, which brought out potential confusion in filling out those very fields. I didn’t say a word, though. Gloating is so unattractive.

Back at my building, I got right to eating, and by the time I’d dressed my two hot dogs and took some potato salad there was not enough room on my plate to put an ear of corn-on-the-cob that I also wanted without… well… without:

Overheard at our Pre-Labor Day Work Lunch Gathering saving the corn on the cob for later when the hot dogs were off the plate: 'I don't like wet things touching my buns.' @OkayItWasMe #HateMyFoodTouching #LoveDividerPlates

The corn was absolutely delicious once I got to it, as it was boiled in water that was some significant percentage of butter. Sarah made some killer Ghirardelli Double Chocolate Brownies, of which I became an instant fan. So yummy.

Late-afternoon I was working on my Windows desktop computer (I also have a Mac laptop at work) and at one point, I swiped two fingers across my keyboard, which prompted this Facebook status update:

I just ahd my first 'Mac moment': I was on my Windows machine and I waved my two fingers in a vertical motion over my keybaord where my Mac track pad would be if I were on it, and I expected my screen to scroll. #GotAMacHABITNow Thanks, Jen Riehle. Garrison Locke, thought you'd find this interesting, too.

When I got on the Wolfline bus to go home, it took a second for it to register that the tiara that the bus driver had on said, “Happy Birthday” on it, after which I said, “Happy Birthday!” This played out over and over as student after student got on, processed it, smiled, and then wished her a happy birthday. What fun.

I stayed in this evening, and after a nap, I checked off a few to-do list items. Yay for that.

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