2022 movies 2021 movies 2020 movies By title By year released By rating By provider Stats

Bob's movies stats

I write a 10-word summary and a 6-word review of the movies I watch. A couple of fun facts:
  • I've watched 321 movies in 2022.
  • I have a subscription to Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, and I watch movies any other place I can find them free without having to watch too many ads.

Jump to the stats for 2021 movies.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.

I write a 10-word summary and a 6-word review of the movies I watch. A couple of fun facts:
  • I watched 325 movies in 2021.
  • I have a subscription to Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, and I watch movies on YouTube and any other place I can find them free without having to watch too many ads.

Jump to the stats for 2020 movies.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.

This website is a digitalized version of the movies I chronicled during 2020. For each, I wrote a 10-word summary and a 6-word review in a little notebook, a page of which you can see to the left. I'm on my third notebook of 2020. A couple of fun facts:
  • I watched 296 movies in 2020. I watched 3 of those movies twice, so technically 292 movies.
  • I have a subscription to Netflix and Amazon Prime, and I watch movies on YouTube and any other place I can find them free without having to watch too many ads.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.

See what the ratings mean.