The day before…

Had our 2nd, or is it 3rd, GLBT Leadership meeting. Only attendees: me, Mark K., Beth, and Wes. I brought the See’s candy sampler to Liz. I scared the lady trying to decide if the red sign on the door that side “FIRE DOOR KEEP CLOSED” meant that it was alarmed. When she finally decided … Read more

Monday, Monday…

Jay called right when I turned my phone on this morning. He wanted to see if I could pick him up around 10:00 at Fred Anderson Toyota. As I walked down the hall to my office, Susanne followed me with my desk key. Yippee! Started incorporating Jon’s comments on the installation guides. I like what … Read more

December… already?

Robert made killer french toast with Portuguese bread I have. It was topped with an egg over easy on it, and a side order of Linguisa! Yummmmmmm! Shortly after breakfast he left. I ran out to Circuit City to see if they had an 22″ monitors. No luck. I stopped by Hecht’s and bought a … Read more