Flossing, why Rx is prescription, workout headgames, and affirmations…

~Sunday~ I fixed the most delicious—if I may say so myself (I just did, actually)—Western omelets for breakfast today. They were accompanied by two turkey sausage links each and a half of a bagel each. And coffee (of course!) made by Robert. I’m coming down the home stretch in terms of being ready for my … Read more

A puzzler, Sho Nuff, me Googled, and picking up Joe…

~Monday~ A recent Car Talk puzzler: What’s so interesting about this sentence about the infamous lousy handwriting of doctors? “I do not know where family doctors acquired illegibly perplexing handwriting, nevertheless extraordinary pharmaceutical intellectuality counterbalancing indecipherability transcendentalizes intercommunications incomprehensibleness.”

A quartet of buscapades, meeting Justine, a productive afternoon, climate talk, and a birthday…

Today’s buscapades are about emptiness, opaqueness, decisiveness, and succinctness. Emptiness: The bus was completely empty when I got on this morning. That’s so highly unusual that I checked my watch to make sure my power hadn’t gone out or something making it much later in the day than it actually was. “8:25,” it said. Thanks … Read more

An obit, some love from Robert, some hate in the world, a walk, grilling and dancing…

Most of you know that I collect euphemisms for death in the obituaries. This one is especially poetic: On Saturday, February 28, 2009, God dispatched a host of angels to bring Mother Amie Avery home. The call was louder than a whisper, the roaring voice of God; but you and I did not hear it … Read more

Favorite tweet, a meeting, an interview, credit card replacement, and a workout…

My favorite tweet from today: melissasantos  dear god, make me a bird so i can shit on this bitch’s head  My work day started off with a staff meeting from 9:00–10:00. After a half-hour break, I conducted an interview of a colleague who recently put on an Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Fair, with … Read more

An IBM class, an “old” friend mis-identified, a late-night workout, and a vitriolic obit…

Good week for… Bad week for… Supplemental income, after Mick Jagger turned 65, becoming eligible for a state pension of $180 a week. The getaway, after police arrested Sean Gallagher of Illinois on charges he robbed the same gas station three times in recent months. After the third robbery, a gas station employee pointed Gallagher … Read more

A weight milestone, a cigar exerciser, some visual rhetoric in the obits, dining, and dancing…

I got up at 9:00 this morning, and did the usual drill for breakfast. Nice milestone on the scale today; I’ve lost close enough to 10 pounds to celebrate it. I’ve exercised for 29 out of the last 30 days—with 5 of those days at 30 minutes, most of the rest at 60, and just … Read more

Obits with a flair, a persistent brake light, a little bit of exercise, and show tunes return…

Thanks to my friend and regular blog reader, Kathy, for the little ditty below. While I’ve often seen the use of home-going in the obits—“Home-going services for Emma will be held on Friday, February 27, 2004”—I’ve never seen one enumerate the entire guest list, so-to-speak: On Sunday, Nov. 4, 2007, heaven opened its gates and welcomed … Read more