Two new buscapade characters named, drag trivia, and a fake fanny that WORKS…

~Thursday~  Library Man was reading a magazine this morning—no surprise there. However, he’s usually reading a magazine in his field, and one of physical substance. The one he held today was very thin and flimsy, like it was published on cheap paper. It reminded me of the copies of Woman’s Day that litter my mother’s … Read more

A family of 7 on the bus, tweeting for the university, and a fun night of dancing…

~Wednesday~  I caught the city bus a half hour earlier than the one I regularly catch. I took a seat behind a family of seven, which by far is the biggest family I’ve seen together on the bus to date. It consisted of four girls, one boy, and the parents. I watched the interaction between … Read more

From nabs to a paintbrush, a marijuana leaf, Wasabi peas, and some trivia…

~Tuesday~  I caught an early city bus this morning, the 6:45. In addition to my laptop bag and my soft-sided brief case, I was carrying a huge Tupperware cake container this morning, which was filled with two dozen pimento cheese sandwiches on mini torpedo rolls. When I boarded, there was a man sitting in the … Read more

Bus timing, a mental health-conduct lunch & learn, 2 overheard convos, and a board meeting…

~Monday~  I took the Wolfline bus in today, arriving at the stop perfectly timed so as to walk right onto the bus as it pulled up. At a subsequent stop a young man using crutches got on and a nice polite boy sitting across from me actually offered the guy his seat. I attended a … Read more

Buscapades, manhole issues, a prodigal umbrella, a 21% profit, & Caleb Calypso@Manbites…

~Friday~  Though the rain was supposed to stop today and it was only slightly drizzling, I schlepped that big-assed golf umbrella to the bus stop again. Madonna & Genetically-Beautiful Daughter were getting ready to get off at the next stop, and little Sophia was holding a book that I so wanted to see the title … Read more

Three “ladies” named Ida, uneventful work, cowboy up, and TO-DOs done…

~Thursday~  Another dreary day in Raleigh, NC as the cold, wind, and rain continued—purportedly a lingering association with Hurricane Ida. The name Ida always reminds me of a couple of my favorite drag queen names: Ida Slapter and Ida Bitchacockoff. However in this case I’m leaning toward: Ida Thoughtyoudbegonebynow. Just for shits and giggles, before … Read more

Buscapades; fire, brimstone, and water; unengaged dancing; & a power outage at the grocery store…

~Wednesday~  Another day of rain, and another day of lugging that big-assed red-and-white IBM golf umbrella around. I tried to give the continuing rain a positive spin: “The rain is inconvenient, but the drinking water’s nice.” It was fairly empty on the bus, and there wasn’t one regular (that is to say a buscapade) character … Read more

Another lost umbrella, grey matter builders, hatchling-free hair, and dinner with the Millers…

~Tuesday~  I was running around at the last minute before walking to the bus stop looking for my small black Totes umbrella, which was nowhere to be found. I ended up having to take my big-ass red-and-white IBM umbrella, which I’m surprised isn’t blue-and-white, but which works well at NC State since its colors are red-and-white. Traveling … Read more

The strangest buscapades to date, and Salon V…

~Monday~  Excitement on the bus this morning, although it started out like any other day: Madonna and Genetically-Beautiful Daughter got off at the stop after mine (with Sophia’s beautiful hair tied in a long braid that hung down the middle of her back), Sci-Fi Fantasy Man read, and as far as I saw when I … Read more

Bus-riding rule-breakers, bus cards don’t open doors for you, and Coco Before Chanel…

~Friday~  This is the first time I’ve seen the bus do this, as I’m pretty sure it’s “against the rules”: There was a family—father, mother, and child—waving at the bus right smack dab in the middle of two stops, and it stopped and picked them up. Li’l Dino boarded this morning and sat up front … Read more