Loud, dirty laundry; fictional mail; a quick workout; me in pearls; and an easy crossword puzzle…

~Thursday~ I read Anna Karenina on the bus on the way in this morning. I received a reminder that my book is due on Monday, and I would love to finish it without having to renew it a third time. I think it’s doable over the weekend. My only meeting today was from 2:00-3:30, and … Read more

A sham; A water meter liability; Take a letter, Maria, address it to yourself; and dancing…

~Wednesday~ Today’s buscapade revolves around how acoustics can affect getting “the dirt.” Imagine this depiction of the first few seats on the bus. In the past, whenever I’ve referred to a bus having two center-facing seats in the front, this is the kind of set up I’m talking about, and it was the seating arrangement … Read more

Groundhog’s morning, parent orientation, info fair, MJ’s funeral, an elevator memory, & a workout…

~Tuesday~ I did a “Groundhog’s Day” this morning, rushing around in order to catch the 7:45 bus, but arriving at 7:48, I missed it. It was so humid that instead of waiting 20 more minutes out in the heat for the next bus, I walked back up the driveway and into my townhouse, lay down … Read more

Rap babies, buscapades, a calculated card replacement, friendship bread, and some reading…

~Monday~ Go ahead. Take a minute (a minute and one second, to be exact) to start your day with a giggle: Shortly after boarding the bus this morning, I was treated to a PSA, apparently for the bus drivers, but being broadcasted loud enough over the bus’s radio communication system that it might as well … Read more

8.5-inch cylinders, grawlixes, PSA results, paranormal phenomena, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ Today’s buscapade: At one stop a young man—a student I’m guessing—got on the bus with a totally clear plastic backpack on. I never saw such a thing. That phrase so reminds me of this infamous sign on I-95 running between North and South Carolina: But I digress… The clear backpack was tightly packed with … Read more

Screaming Jacksons, NSO orientations, technology replacing humans, and a nap…

~Tuesday~ Someone pointed to this video in a tweet. I’d never seen it (or heard of it), but I love it. I tweeted this today: nematome: Confession: I’m waiting to buy some MJ music until after they stop reporting the number of sales of everything since his death. #dontknowwhy about 3 hours ago from web … Read more

A buscapade that continued off the bus, dinner with Hugh & Abby, and some time at Flex…

~Friday~ A cast of characters in today’s buscapade: A very attractive, very-well dressed lady sat on one of the center-facing priority seats for the elderly and disabled. She had on huge white beaded dangling earrings, a black nylon on her head covering all of her hair and pulled back tightly into a bun—wide and short like a … Read more

Buscapdes (including butt floss), tweets, lunch w/Susan, pills, a haircut, and dancing…

~Wednesday~ This morning’s buscapde includes a hurried threesome, a Marlon Brando lookalike, and some butt floss. The bus was running early today, and at one stop, three ladies boarded: the first one I’m quite sure walked like a duck, talked like a duck, and slept with other female ducks—I know she dressed like a duck the … Read more

Anna Karenina renewal #2, 30threads.com entry, pastcapades, an ambivalent work day, & an early PM…

~Tuesday~ A couple of items from yesterday that I wanted to capture: Anna Karenina was due. I was unable to renew it online, so I called the library. The conversation went like this: Library: “Hello, this is Jane Doe with the Cameron Village Library.” [Wish I’d’ve caught her name.] Me: “Hello, Jane, this is John … Read more