A buscapade, some work, a workout, Robert’s back, and some language stuff…

~Monday~ I started all over again this morning at 7:00, but this time it was Monday morning, and I did catch the 7:45 bus. There was a lady on the bus, whom I’ve seen before, with her two little girls—one maybe two years old, the other one maybe three or four. The two-year old was absolutely adorable—with … Read more

A bus RIDDLE, a buscapade DISSECTED, good work day, dinner & dancing with Robert…

~Wednesday~ Today’s buscapade is a riddle! You’re driving your car to work in the pouring rain when you see three people on the side of the road at an uncovered bus stop. You recognize one as your best friend waiting to go to work, the second is your perfect lover, someone that if you met … Read more

Rain falls, tempers rise: a buscapade; a good workout; a good podcast; and some pool…

~Tuesday~ Rain falls, tempers rise: a buscapade. I woke up to the sound of torrential rain. A quick peek between blind slats at the rippling stream of water running along the pavement of the downhill parking area in front of my townhouse confirmed what I already knew. By the time I left for the bus … Read more

Oven and fridge buses, homosexual demons, and more Anna Karenina…

~Tuesday~ I was totally rushed to get to the bus this morning, and only when it pulled up did I realize I didn’t have my badge (a.k.a. “my free fare ticket”) around my neck, nor did I know where it was. Fortunately, the driver recognized me and said, “Yeah, I know you, come on in.” … Read more

Good judgment fail, clapping like a seal, a gift card fail, Hugh’s birthday, and some pool…

This scene at the bus stop this morning inspired me to create my own “failblog.org-like” entry: I spent most of my morning preparing for an afternoon meeting that had been postponed twice over the past week or so. Three times was a charm, and the meeting went well. Glad I prepared for it. During lunch, … Read more

A wreck of a bus, a nice driver, a work picnic, and a long night in the bed…

This morning’s bus was a wreck. The bus driver, on the other hand, was surprisingly pleasant and helpful. The air-conditioning on the bus didn’t work, nor did the stop cord. “You have to just shout out when you want to stop, because the cord’s broken,” she’d say to every passenger who boarded. At one point … Read more

A fantastic buscapade, some construction art, Ellen’s “Hawaii Chair,” and dinner with Joe…

Where does the time go? Here we are moving into the final month of the first half of 2009, or if you’re a state government employee—into the final month of the fiscal year. The most fantastic buscapade took place today: I took a seat toward the front of the bus for less than thirty seconds, … Read more

Buscapdes, some meetings (and some not), meeting a neighbor, and dancing…

Wednesday’s buscapade: There was a lady on the bus this morning of whom I’ve spoken before, but not enough to name. The most notable thing about her is that she’s one of those people who speaks very loudly, which being the ubiquitous bus attribute that it is, doesn’t exactly single her out to you, I’m … Read more

Buscapades, a full day of work, and an excruciating grocery trip…

This morning I did something I think I’ve only done once before—I caught the 7:15 bus. Today’s observations: Upon boarding, thoughts at first glance for an open seat: “This is the service crowd.” I remember thinking that the last time I rode an earlier bus. Folks in various types of uniforms: fast food workers, grounds … Read more