Fat punishment, a couple of buscapdes, Twitter in IT communications, and a long, long nap…

The updated State Employees Health Plan has been announced, and as is a surprise to no one, everything is more expensive for the next fiscal year—higher premiums, higher co-pays, and less coverage. With that said, there was one announcement that I’m quite ambivalent about: “Starting in 2011, you will be penalized for being the fat … Read more

A plethora of buscapades, smiling more, dad’s b-day, work, and a volunteer stint serving students..

A rush of buscapades this morning: This is the first time, since I’ve been riding the bus for seven months, that another person at my stop in the morning was smoking a cigarette while waiting for the bus. I stood about 20 feet from him. Just as the bus pulled away from my stop, two … Read more

Two meetings, two books, dual monitors, and four explosive traits…

I caught the 7:55 bus today instead of the 8:25. I was surprised to find my office door locked, as Rhonda is always in before me. Turned out she was on vacation today. I spent some time this morning preparing for a 1:00 meeting with Dana from the Operations team. I took the city bus … Read more

Contributing, a Wise man, and today’s buscapade (a.k.a. WWHD?)…

I was up and at ’em early this morning as I needed to get into work early enough to write-up my status report to give at my 10:00 meeting. There wasn’t a morning buscapade, but there was one on the way home. Read on. We had our monthly staff meeting at my second-level manager’s level … Read more

A quartet of buscapades, meeting Justine, a productive afternoon, climate talk, and a birthday…

Today’s buscapades are about emptiness, opaqueness, decisiveness, and succinctness. Emptiness: The bus was completely empty when I got on this morning. That’s so highly unusual that I checked my watch to make sure my power hadn’t gone out or something making it much later in the day than it actually was. “8:25,” it said. Thanks … Read more

Today’s buscapade, personal sharing, commentary about technology in higher ed, and nappage…

This morning’s buscapade is about time—doing it, that is. Two seats up and to my right sat a rider I’ve seen before. She’s a little unkempt usually—not drastically so, but a little bit. And she’s loud. And she likes to talk. Not a good combination in my book, especially not being a morning person. She … Read more