Lists, lists, lists…

We got up around 9:00, and went to IHOP for breakfast. Ken, the “big ole girl” waited on us. He was so nice, and a good waiter!

On leaving there, we stopped at Cameron Village, at Acipiter and Jill Flink’s to look for a gift for the EAGLE party. I ended up getting a $22.50 Rosewood-handled Keyboard Brush (which I really wanted for myself). I also bought Rob a metal flamingo for his birthday coming up at the end of the month.

We left there, and came back to start checking items off “the list,” the first being wrapping gifts that I’ve already purchased so I can tell who I already have things for and what I yet need to buy.

Robert wrapped a few gifts for me, the one for the EAGLE party tonight, and the most important being the one for Mom & Dad C., so I can get that in the mail on Monday. We also got three small things for mom wrapped, and the items for Rob, Thomas, and Steve. Good progress.

Somewhere during the day we also cleaned out my refrigerator, and organized the deck. Working that list!

We left for the EAGLE party at about 6:50. I called Kathy & Cindy on the way to see if they needed anything, and they said they were all set. The party was nice, and fun, but only about half of the people who RSVPed showed up. That was very disappointing. Only fourteen people participated in the gift exchange. It was fun, but not as fun as last year with so fewer people. We had almost 50 people at the party last year. Oh well.

I drank a little too much, but did not get out of control. Robert drove us home.

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