Class and dancing…

I was not a productive employee today. Got to get out of this funk. Actually spent some time looking at job opportunities. Not a good sign. I like the work I’m doing, but the short term rewards are too few and far between. I want to feel good on a daily basis. I need to be in a service job, I think. Oh well. Trying not to react emotionally. I have to balance that need with the need for a job with a salary that allows me to do the traveling I enjoy doing. Have I got that out of my system yet? I’m not sure I have.

I wrote up the next installment in my “Life in Grad School” series. Will post in a separate entry.

Robert got to the house before I left for class, so I was able to “fix up” his salad for him. He really liked it. I also gave him a synopsis of the opera we’re seeing on Friday night.

Class was okay tonight. Lars stole my thunder with an example of a “nonlinear” search engine. I’m not sure if I’m more bothered by the fact that he said it before I could or that we’re thinking the same things at all.

Dancing was just okay tonight. We learned a new dance that I don’t like. Of course, it’s not the first dance I’ve learned that I didn’t like, but turned out thinking was okay later on. I’m trying to remain open to the fact that it’ll come around.

I was tired by the end of the night, and we actually left before 11:00, which is unusual. Courtney was in bed when we got back, and Robert decided to drive home instead of spending the night.

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