WCPE Volunteer…

I had my alarm set for 6:45PM instead of 6:45AM. I woke up at 7:05. Since I had showered before going to bed, I just wet my hair, and put some gel in it. I left for Wake Forest at about 7:20.

I looked at the directions a little too late, and ended up going to the station via US 1 North instead of 401N.

I arrived at about 10 till 8. I had a little square of a sausage and egg omelet type thing, and a little square of a “French toast casserole.” Both were quite delicious. Mary arrived right at 8, and she brought us each a glazed Krispy Kreme donut, with cholocate on the top, and covered with green and white sprinkles.

Dave went over the new forms, always with more enthusiasm than you can possibly imagine the could have about the same old forms (for the most part anyway). He really seems to enjoy his work though, so that’s refreshing, and makes it easier to indulge him.

We didn’t get very many calls at all over our four-hour stint. My biggest donation was a $200 one. Mary collected $750, I think it was, and I collected $650. We had fun counting the number of “micro-managing” supervisor instructions by Cretia, who I kept wanting to call “La Cretia” or “Lou Cretia.” She was fun, though, in an irritating kind of way.

I checked in with Robert on the way home, and got his Quizno’s order. I had a voicemail message from Joe about riding, which I returned. After picking up our subs at Quizno’s in Mission Valley, I drove over to the Jiffy Lube on Western and left my car there for an oil change. Robert was there to pick me up.

I took a two-hour nap, while Robert practiced on my computer for his keyboarding class.

Once I woke up, I did homework — 100 pages of reading in Kostelnick & Roberts. Robert left a little after six going to Rick’s party out in North Raleigh.

At 9:30, I went to Flex and met Joe. Andre was just leaving when I arrived. Thank goodness. We played several games of pool, and watched the singers.

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