Food prep…

Alan joined the Process meeting today, though late, he was in a good mood. It was a good meeting today, because I actually pretty much only facilitated instead of doing most of the talking.

Class was uneventful tonight. We went over the expectations for our brochure or newsletter due next Monday, and before class was all said and done, we’d convinced Dr. Dicks that we really didn’t need to meet on Wednesday. Good deal.

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home, and got a lot of healthy stuff. Once home, I boiled four eggs, chopped up some celery and onions, and made me a big old delicious salad.

After that, I made four servings of egg salad for the rest of the week’s lunches. I sure wish I had the energy to eat healthy all the time. Oh well, progress is being made on the diet and I’m feeling pretty good about that. Back in control again.

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