
Robert emptied out the boxes in my kitchen, and put my tree up for me. This involved pulling it out of the box, fully decorated, and placing it on a TV tray in front of the window. 🙂 He did move the couch for me and get the TV tray centered in the window, and plugged in, which I appreciated.

I wrapped about 15 gifts, which felt good to get done.

We had ham salad sandwiches for lunch, with some potato chips.

Robert ran out to work out, and bought some ribbon for me while out.

We had baked fish and mashed potatoes for dinner.

We got to Flex at a little after 8, and the posse was already there. I met lefytmac, killer smile, and we started dancing at about 8:30. Van did a pretty decent job substituting for Adam as DJ. Shannon helped him out. I think Shannon is a fine human being.

Brigner was an asshole when Robert suggested to him that he say something nice about Van’s sitting in for Adam.

The stripper that was there actually seemed like a nice guy. It was the least awkward it’s been with a stripper there, in my opinion.

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