My jamb is no longer jammed…

I worked in the office this morning, and while there copied the two books I’m working on onto my flash drive, so I could work on them from home this afternoon. What a great invention.

On the way home I stopped at Jiffy Lube and had my oil changed. In and out. The deal.

I worked from home in the afternoon. In addition to making progress on my book, I cleaned off Rhonda’s laptop, which I’m going to turn in this week. It’s inventory time, and I’m tired of being responsible for 3 machines. I’ll keep the other laptop and my workstation. And, of course, I have my personal laptop, which has nothing to do with work or inventory. I do think a person having four computers associated with them is a bit excessive.

Shawn came at 1:30, and fixed my door. It’s amazing how such a little thing, but one you use every day can be so aggravating. He replaced the jamb, and lubed up my dead bolt. What a breeze it is now. And I was ready to replace the whole door.

I took advantage of one of the most glorious days yet this season, and walked around the lake. I went at a decent clip, doing the 3 miles in 45 minutes.

I had a salad and the NutriSystem Teriyaki and Beef entree for dinner. All yum.

Jay called, and asked me to come over at 9:00 to help him hang a large painting. I met him and Wes there at nine, and Wes and I held the painting up over Jay’s couch while he measured and marked everything.

He had these huge anchor screws to put in the wall. The right went in like clockwork. The left one, not so much. It got harder and harder to turn near the end, and as he gave it one last twist while forcefully pushing into the wall, the whole thing went right through the wall. He was using an electric screwdriver, but wasn’t using the electric part. The bit came off and stayed in the anchor in the wall, so that just the bit was sticking out of the hole at this point. He used pliers and was able to get the bit out. What a bitch.

This is precisely why I always hire Lesbians to do my handiwork. Hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

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