Farmers Market breakfast, a very cheap haircut, and dancing…

Donna arrived here at 11:00 today, and we rode to the Farmer’s Market for breakfast. We both had the cheese omelet. She had grits, and I substituted extra wheat toast for my home fries. I am such a bread whore.

We had a hot waiter — the same one that Steve and I were gawking at across the room when we ate there two weeks ago. He turned out to 1) have a Swedish accent, and 2) look better than he waited. Bless his big biceps and heart.

After breakfast, Donna shopped at the Farmers Market while I took a 30-minute walk around the grounds. She bought a cute little bird feeder, and a couple of other things that I didn’t see as they were in bags. This is not the feeder, just a feeder:

We had a great conversation during breakfast, and a nice one out in front of my house before she left, too. I’m glad she’s still in my life and that we’re such good friends.

Mid-afternoon, I got my hair cut at Great Clips. I’d never been there before, but had found a coupon for their $12.99 hair cut for $6.99. Then, when I got there, they had a special going for $5.99, which I had heard about, but thought was over. Bonus.

“6 on the top, 4 on the sides, please,” I replied when she asked me how I wanted it cut.

# 6 Leaves Hair 3/4″ Long

# 4 Leaves Hair 1/2″ Long

I really liked the lady who cut my hair, and at the register, when she said, “5.99,” I handed her a ten, and said, “You have the most gentle and soothing touch. I appreciate you. Keep the change.”

I left her with a lit up face that included the biggest smile on it.

“You come back and see us again, now,” she said as I walked away.

“Oh, I will,” I said.

Dancing was okay tonight, but we didn’t start until after 9, and we were cut off at exactly 10:30 — with good reason, however; it was crowded, and hot (and not in a good way) as a mofo in there.

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