A productive work day, leave extending, STC benefit planning meeting, homework, and groceries…

I worked from home today, and had a great, great work day. Wait a minute. Let me check this and make sure it’s me talking.

I put in a good eight-and-a-half hours of editing a document for a colleague, friend, and fellow LJer, cpeel. I also finally used the Edit Tracking database, which I’ve been meaning to do for a long time.

I had a good 1-on-1 meeting with my manager today, too, and let her know that come May, when my one-year leave of absence is up, right now I am interested in extending that leave for two more years. She asked if I’d be willing to bump up my schedule by a day — to three days a week instead of two, to which I responded, “Yes.”

I met with the STC Board, and three non-board volunteers (!) in Caldwell Hall Lounge at 7:30, where we finalized our plans to paint the “Free Expression Tunnel” on campus at 6:30 AM on Thursday.

We’re going to paint an advertisement for our STC Benefit Rock Concert, happening this Sunday, October 8, from 4:00-9:00 at The Brewery on Hillsborough Street. We’re raising money for Source Force.

We also finalized plans for the actual event, and I kept notes on who’s doing and bringing what.

Bonus: Lee Ann was present, who works in the DELTA office, and she offered to take my final project notebook for the usability work I did for them, saving me a trip. Hey! That DELTA link brings up their new website, the one I usability tested for them. Cool.

After the meeting, I rode out to my office, scanned in Casey’s marked up document, and e-mailed it to him with a note.

After that, I worked on homework until 2:30AM. I did a lot of “stepping outside myself, and lecturing myself about attitude” during the evening.

On the way home, at 3:00AM, I stopped at the Harris Teeter at Cameron Village, so I wouldn’t have to run out tomorrow.

There were no “staffed” registers open, and I was precluded from SHIFTING INTO UPPER CASE, because one of the humans in the store helped me through the self-checkout, which I really don’t care for. I already have two jobs; I don’t need to be working in a grocery store, too. But I digress…

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