Grillers, a big fat C, a course in desperate need of a prerequisite…

I’m thinking this is a potential cottage industry that might help supplement my retirement. I will start taking orders (minimum 2) starting November 15th. Get yours in time for the Holiday season; every home should have at least two!!!! I am still working on a viable pricing model as well as a bun warmer.

Hot Dog Cooker

I worked all day on completing the analysis of the interview I’ve been transcribing for the last four days, and finished 20 minutes before I had to leave for class.

Class began with a return of our midterms, which overall were “disappointing” according to the professor. The grades ranged from 64 to 97. I got a big fat 77. A big fat C, the lowest grade I’ve ever received in all of graduate school.

The University’s Grading System

98-100 A+
93-97 A
90-92 A-
88-89 B+
83-87 B
80-82 B-
78-79 C+
73-77 C
70-72 C-
68-69 D+
63-67 D
60-62 D-
Below F

The next hour was wasted spent tediously going over the correct answers.

Next we went around the room, and gave short, oral summaries of the findings of our interview analyses. It was literally laughable (in a pathetic, sad kind of way) — the difference in the oral presentations made between the linguistics majors in the class and the non-linguistics majors.

I came home and did some emotional eating — eating an entire family-sized bag of not Orville Light Popcorn, not even Orville Butter Popcorn, but Orville Movie Theater Butter Popcorn.

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