A friend dreams, a team lunch, not the oldest profession, and Joe gets a job…

Evidently, even women dream about me…

John Martin, you were in my dreams last night…
Hey! Hope you are doing well.  It’s been too long since I’ve seen your smiling face.

Speaking of you smiling, I had a dream last night in which Milton and Bianca hosted a senior citizen square dancing festival.  Will and I were responsible for getting Dolly Parton to the event, because she was scheduled to make a surprise appearance.  But all she wanted to do was pop prescription pills and drink Jim Beam in the limo.  She kept passing out, so he and I were late getting her there.

So I thought that we should call you to help us, because I figured she’d be motivated after meeting you since you were her biggest fan.  I started crying and so on when you wouldn’t answer your phone.

So we then made the limo driver take us by your house.  I knew you were home, because you were standing at the window as I knocked on the door.  But you never would answer it! You just stood at the window and yelled, “Go away, Courtney.  I don’t have time to be bothered by you right now!” 

HA HA HA!  How funny is that?  I wonder what in the world that means?!  Guess I should lay off the cold medicine right before bed! 

Hope you have a great day! 

I love everything about this dream—except that little tidbit about the square dancing festival being for senior citizens so closely juxtaposed to her thinking of me.

I went into the office today. My manager is in town (from Austin) for a couple of days, and she took our team out for lunch at The Cheesecake Factory at The Streets at Southpoint.

I had the:

Grilled Chicken Breast with Avocado, Bacon, Tomato, Melted Swiss
and Herb Mayonnaise. Served with French Fries.

I substituted a house salad for the fries, and boxed half of the sandwich to go. For dessert, I had a cup of coffee and split a slice of this:

DULCE DE LECHE CARAMEL CHEESECAKE  Click for picture of menu item
Caramel Cheesecake Topped with Caramel Mousse on a Vanilla Crust

with two other people. Our manager picked up the tab, which was just over $100.00 for the six of us.

I rarely get a chance to socialize with my colleagues any more, and it was a very enjoyable lunch with a lot of laughs.

On the way out, I saw the area in which the Bodies: The Exhibition is being held. I’m going to organize an outing to see that, using the Evite function provided on their website.

Affirmation excerpt from an e-mail I received today:

Sarah E-W was just here talking about how much she loves you.  She’s on the way to your big faculty discussion round-table.  I don’t know HOW you find time for all this stuff.  You continue to impress me.

I led a discussion on “Is Technical Communication a Profession in its Own Right” at our STC Faculty / Student Roundtable meeting from 5:00–6:00 at the Global Village Coffee Shop on Hillsborough Street.

Attendees included faculty members Carolyn Miller, Jason Swarts, Susan Katz, and Sarah Egan Warren. Students participating included Jennifer Cianchetta-Riordan, Kim Rothwell, Milton Hawes, and Lee Ann Gillen.

We had a lively discussion about the many aspects of what makes something a profession, and the many areas in which “technical communication” doesn’t quite make the cut.

One such criteria was this one: “They are a community of professionals who make a claim to extraordinary knowledge in matters of great human importance.”

You’d never know it from my blog, but the fact that the name of the shop on Hillsborough Street is spelled “Smoothie’s” and the fact that Liz’s sign didn’t, at first, have an apostrophe in “employee’s,” and later, spelled “thouroughly” wrong is simply not extraordinary or of human importance to anyone else but the author of this blog.

Bitter? Party of one? Your table is ready.

Class was uneventful this evening. Michelle and Paula did their dry runs through their presentations, and we all provided feedback and tried to think up questions that might be asked by the faculty at the actual defense.

I met Joe at Flex for some pool and scareyoke, and a little bit of celebrating. He received an offer from the company with which he interviewed yesterday. Yay!

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