Roundtable Discussion: Technical Communication IRL (In Real Life)

~Wednesday~  Facilitated by Jen Riehle and John Martin at Mitch's Tavern from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Faculty sponsor: Sarah Egan-Warren Welcome Thank you for being here. Intent: To discuss “real-life” technical communication issues. Introductions Your name John Your status in the Tech Comm program I started the program in January of 2004 and graduated in … Read more

Pill boxes, 2 X PROTEIN, non-sexual orientation, drinking, and the holy trinity of drinking…

~Monday~  I had another big ol’ bowl of All-Bran Bran Buds cereal for breakfast and brushed my teeth right after eating it, which was gross. Nothing worse than a fiber-toothed tiger. Packing my lunch to bring into the office, I couldn’t find my pill box. Not my pillbox hat; I know where that is—right there … Read more

A blessing not heard, making your brown eye blue, hated in NC, underdressed, and an epistolary novel

~Tuesday~  I parked at the Avent Ferry Park & Ride in anticipation of heading downtown after work for the End-of-the-Semester SIGDOC gathering at Flying Saucer. There was only a handful of folks on the bus, and several of the kids on it were studying en route. It is exam week after all. In an unusual … Read more

Football, not teaching, stupid; eating affirmations; scientific miracles; & a distressing defense…

~Tuesday~  I was dragging ass this morning, and it took everything I had in me not to call in sick for the day. I put off getting out of bed so long that I didn’t have time to make breakfast, lunch, or even coffee to take to with me to work. I parked on Gorman, … Read more

Rolls in the morning, intellectual debate all day, and a sh*t-ton of exercise at night…

~Wednesday~  Before parking for the bus on Gorman, I ran into the Food Lion and bought a bag of King’s Hawaiian Sandwich Rolls and used one of them to make my breakfast sandwich and another to make my lunch sandwich later in the day. I initiated what turned out to be a fun, fun, fun … Read more

Body temperature differences, a heart-to-heart work talk, and Jen’s birthday…

~Tuesday~  I parked on Gorman, and as I was parking, the #9 Greek Village bus was pulling away. I literally ran down to and across Avent Ferry Road and onto the #1 Avent Ferry bus. There was no air circulating on the bus, and needless to say I immediately started slightly perspiring after running like … Read more

Blue, young, and able; a litigious society; (unresolved tension; & a cast crashes TPPN…

~Thursday~  I was at the city bus stop at 8:17 and the bus arrived at 8:21. A minute ahead of schedule if you buy 8:22 as the mode. A little mixed race boy sat with his very white mother, who had shocking red hair, played with some sort of gadget that spoke in one of … Read more

Pinecone ice art, a priceless lunch, not at all just, poor voicemail rhetoric, & my blogiversary…

~Wednesday~  I caught the 8:45 bus in instead of the 8:15, as the university was on a weather delay opening at 10:00. It’s the day after the “big ice storm” that brought everything to a standstill around here, and it was cold while I waited for the bus, about which warnings had been posted on … Read more