Today was non-stop for me.
9:00–11:30: Breakfast, did two loads of laundry, and showered.
11:30–1:30: Worked in my IBM office.
1:30–1:50: Drove from IBM to the Food Lion on Avent Ferry, where I caught the bus to school. There was an incredible amount of traffic on Dan Allen, and what normally takes about 2-3 minutes to get through, took almost 15.
2:30–3:00: Arrived at Caldwell Hall student lounge and set up my STC table for the English Department Career Day.
3:00–4:50: Spoke with undergraduate English majors about STC.
4:50–5:00: Gathered my stuff and walked across the street to Bruegger’s.
5:00–5:55: Hosted the STC Faculty Meet & Greet, which had a good turnout! Three professors (Dicks, Katz, and Miller) attended, and several students, even some who weren’t STC officers. 🙂
5:55–6:00: Walked across the street to Tompkins for class.
6:00–7:15: Rhetoric of Science and Technology class. Rick summarized, and we had good discussion throughout.
7:15–7:20: Walked to bus stop.
7:30–8:00: Rode bus back to the Food Lion on Avent Ferry.
8:00–8:05: Drove home.
8:05–8:45: Had dinner and checked e-mail.
8:45–9:00: Drove to dancing.
9:00–11:15: Line-danced and two-stepped.
11:15–11:30: Drove home.