Our 6th anniversary, exercising, blogging, and a little free pool…

Robert arrived at 10:00 and we went to the Farmers Market restaurant for breakfast in honor of our 6th anniversary. We had their most delicious French Toast, which we both love. I had an over-easy egg on the side, and Robert had bacon on the side.

I know that an egg with French Toast is redundant, but I like to dip the syrup-drenched French Toast in the runny egg yolk.

I worked out from 1:30-2:30 today, and at about 20 minutes into my workout, Joe startled me by tapping me on my arm while I was doing my cardio with my eyes closed.

Yesterday, I set my level at three to ease back into my hour-long cardio workouts. Today, I upped it back to four.

Today’s workout statistics:

Exercise Type
Minute Duration
Calories Burned

Cardio (Elliptical)



This is a calorie-burned milestone. I believe my previous milestone was 1255.

I spent a couple of hours at Helios today, where I worked on my blog entries from my cruise.

While there, I sat next to one of the plugs, and a guy who asked me if I’d unplug him, seeing my mouse pad that says www.lejeunealumni.com on it, asked, “Did you go to school at Camp Lejeune?”

“Yes, I did,” I said, and since he had “the look,” I followed up with, “Are you a marine?” 

“Yes, I am,” he said.

I said, “My dad was a 30-year marine, and he was stationed at Camp Lejeune, so I went to high school there.”

“Cool,” he said, and then as he turned back to his table, I said to him, “Thank you for serving.”

“Well, thank you for saying so,” he responded, seemingly quite touched.

I left Helios with the intention of dropping by Flex to try and catch Rick to ask him about his Amsterdam trip. However, when I stepped out the door, the bottom had dropped out, and it was pouring like a mofo. I got so wet running from the door to my car, that I decided to go home and change instead.

By the time I got to Flex, it was about 7:30, and Bill Smith (with whom Rick went to Amsterdam) told me that I’d just missed Rick, but that they had had a great time.

I had one drink and played two games of free pool by myself, and then left.

On the way home, all of a sudden on Avent Ferry Road, traffic came to a standstill, with everyone pulling way over to the left.

It had rained so hard so quickly over the last hour or so, that the sewer system near that part of the road had blocked up, and we all drove through water that at its deepest point was up to the bottom of our car doors.

Had I realized it was that deep, I would have turned around and taken a different way home. There would have been several choices of ways to get home from that part of Avent Ferry. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to cause any damage.

I spent the rest of the evening totally relaxing, as it was the last night of my vacation.

At 10:30, my neighbor called to tell me she was back from her weekend away, and that I could come over and get my mail. Here’s to my mail from Smith-Barney—the paperwork outlining my proceeds from the sale of my IBM stock options in the amount of $28,342. Of course the enclosed check was only for $17,292.13.

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