I’m a student again, not allowed to eat OPF, ASB dinner, Tiger’s woes, and Ennio…

~Thursday~  I caught the Wolfline #9 Greek Village bus into work, which sadly, was lacking buscapde material.

These drugs are kicking ass. I can already feel an improvement in my cough.

My application for re-enrollment as a student in non-degree status was completed today, and I was accepted back getting my old student ID number back. I tried to sign up for the class I want to audit in the Spring 2010 semester, and even though the system indicated that only 13 of 15 seats were taken, when I hit “Submit,” I got back, “Class is Full.”

Annoyed, but forging on, I resubmitted the registration attempt this time checking the “Waitlist for class, if full,” option to which I got, “You do not meet the course requirements for this class.” The only course requirement listed when I checked it was that students have a status of “Graduate.” Well, my status is “Non-degree Studies,” so that’s what was precluding me from registering.

A quick e-mail to Dr. Dicks, the instructor, led to a call to Karen, the admin person who has all the “override power” in the system, and I was in. It’ll be fun being back in class with the added bonus of two things: 1) It won’t be for a grade, since I’m just auditing it, and 2) My colleague and friend Jen is going to be in the class, which means it will be fun, fun, fun!

I ate my lunch over at Cup A Joe‘s where a “Thursday Latte” was on, then off, then on, then evidently back off, since no one else showed up. I bought a $4.25 milkshake to have with my lunch and about three-quarters of the way through my sandwich and carrots, an employee of the place came over and said to me, “I’m sorry. We’re not allowed to let anyone eat food they bought at another restaurant in here, so I’m going to have to ask you to put that away.”

“Actually, it’s food I brought from home, but no worries,” I responded putting what was left in my laptop bag.

On the way back to my office, I dropped by home to grab my phone, which I’d forgotten this morning.

I met the Alternative Spring Break group, which consisted of the other two leaders and six of the students, at Applebees for dinner. It was one of their fundraisers where they’d handed out coupons earlier in the week to people, and if the people at there today, a portion of their bill was donated to the group.

Of course, we all ate dinner, and gave a coupon with our orders. I had a delicious Oriental Grilled Chicken Salad.

I took some of that cough medicine with the narcotics in it at about 10:30 in the morning, and all afternoon I fought the drowsiness tooth and nail. When I got home, I succumbed to it, with a three-hour nap.

Aside: Curious as to the origin of “fighting tooth and nail,” I discovered: “This expression, with its allusion to biting and scratching, was first recorded in 1576.”

I met Alex at Flex at around 10:30 for Trailer Park Prize Night. Miss Mimms was emceeing tonight, and Brigner dragged (dragged the drag queen, as it were) outside to do a quick filming of a fake commercial to use in the show tonight. It had something to do with this celebrated couple who just got their photo back for their holiday cards:

Note: No actual human was hurt in this Photoshopped image. Battering a spouse, by and of any gender, is a serious matter. Signs of abuse and abusive relationships.

While we were there, which was up until the show started at 12:30, Alex told me about Ennio Marchetto. (Thanks, Alex!) The Mona Lisa sketch is just a little long, but I think the sketches get funnier as it goes. The very last sketch is a hoot.

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