Cramming on the bus, good news from IBMers, H1N1 vaccine, house-cleaning, and dancing…

~Wednesday~  Due to the nasty, nasty weather this morning—some wind and torrential rain, I drove over to the Wofline bus stop on Gorman, where I can sit in my car across from the stop until I see the bus coming, and which drops me off much closer to my building than the city bus.

For two reasons, it’s obviously exam week (which means no classes):

  1. Not only were there no students standing in the aisle of the bus by the time we got to Fraternity Court, there were still one or two empty seats.
  2. A good majority of the students on the bus were doing last minute cramming on their way to an exam as evidenced by either:
    • Flipping through textbook pages
    • Flipping through spiral-bound notebooks of class notes
    • Flipping through broken-holed tattered-edged pages of notes that used to be in a spiral-bound notebook
    • Glancing, folding, and glancing again at notepad pages with class notes on them.

One (absolute cutey-pie) got on at one stop with a cup of coffee in his hand, which might not have been so noticeable if it wasn’t in a glass tumbler. Who wants to carry around an empty glass all day?

I love it when I hear good news from previous colleagues of mine at IBM. I’ve heard two such things this week. The first one was in a holiday card from my friend Susanne, whom I worked with in Information Development while at IBM. She was a technical writer, but mostly did project management work for publication projects. She was devastated when she was first laid off from IBM. This is what her card said:

I changed career direction and used my Masters in Library and Information Science as an entry into the schools. I am subbing part time at several private schools both in the library and the classroom. I love it! Not sure where it will lead but for now am enjoying this very much. I’m so grateful IBM got rid of me!!!


The second news item was from my friend Rob, with whom I did “Defect Prevention” work many years ago in IBM when Quality was the big buzz. Recently he applied for IBMs Transition to Teaching program and asked me to write a letter of recommendation for him. Here’s what his e-mail to me and the other person who provided a recommendation said:

Today I received notification from the IBM powers that I have been accepted into the Transition to Teaching program. I want to thank you both for your assistance with this. I start classes in January at NC State and have arranged to have a reduced work load at IBM between now and the time I complete the teacher program (May 2011). Then it’s off to find a teaching job. I love it when a plan falls together.

Best regards,

Yay, and yay!

I spent my morning working on a prototype web page that will be used to request an invitation to join our Google Apps @ NC State Beta when it’s ready to roll. This was in preparation for an 11:00-12:00 meeting, which ran past 12:15, of our Student E-Mail Initiative Implementation Team.

I went over to the Talley Student Center where they were having an H1N1 Vaccination Clinic open to everyone now from 9:00-1:00. They were offering both the nasal and the shot options, and although I would have preferred the shot, I didn’t “qualify” for it.

While standing in line, a plus-sized girl bent over the table to fill out her form and to reveal a thong in the spare tire area that was exposed between the waist of her pants riding down and the hem of her blouse riding up. Not a pretty sight. It was like putting one of those little round spot Bandaids on a head wound. But I digress…

I got the nasal spray, and I was surprised to feel some liquid being shot down my nostril instead of a spray around the inside of it. That was in the right nostril, which she did first. In the other one, I didn’t feel much of anything, so perhaps that one did spray.

I was able to take my tissue and walk away immediately as I had had the seasonal flu shot, too. There were several people sitting in chairs in a sort of waiting/holding area, which is what you had to do if you hadn’t had the seasonal flu shot prior to getting this one.

I wasn’t planning on getting the H1N1 vaccine, but 1) it’s required for everyone going on the Alternative Spring Break trip, and 2) I was able to get it free through Blue Cross Blue Shield.

I came close to finishing up my house-cleaning before heading to dancing with the guest bedroom and bathroom cleaned and the guest bed sheets washed.

Dancing was a ton of fun tonight. There was a good crowd (for what reason no one can fathom), and I had two affirmations on my dancing from two people who haven’t seen me dance before: “You’re very good,” one said, and the other, “You’re very, very good. It’s obvious you love dancing.”

I danced several two-steps tonight some leading—a couple with Rob, one with Geromy, and one with Joe T., and a couple following—one with Bill and one with Carl.

Geromy has completed and passed all of his prelim exams, so I bought him a congratulations drink, “To Dr. G!”

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