Filled to capacity, 600 stamps, a wireless key and some condoms, houseguests arrive…

~Thursday~  I caught the Wolfline bus in again this morning, and what a difference a day (or two or three) makes. It was the most crowded I’ve ever seen the bus—everyone must have had 8:00 exams.

It was also the most assertive I’ve ever seen any bus driver be as she knew it was going to be crowded, and she kept saying over and over at every stop, “Move all the way to the back. Go up the stairs. More people need to go up the stairs back there. We got more people coming on. Up the stairs, please. Keep moving toward the back everyone. Thank you. Hold on!”

Today was the first time I’ve ever heard a driver radio in, “#9 Greek Village. Filled to capacity. Can’t stop at the first stop on Fraternity Row. Leaving three passengers behind… #9 Greek Village. Can’t stop at the second stop on Fraternity Row. Leaving four passengers behind…”

I heard one other bus reporting in over the radio as well, “#5 Varsity. Filled to capacity…” Big day in the bus business.

I spent a lot of my day editing responses from our CIO to a report that we’re going to make available imminently.

On the way to lunch I stopped at the post office for a measly first class stamp for a letter to London, where I waited way too long for one. The lady being helped when I got there was helped for at least ten more minutes after I got in the line with three people ahead of me—all holding packages to be mailed.

After getting the package squared away that the lady currently being helped had, she asked for 600 stamps, and then wasn’t sure if she wanted holiday ones or not, and then not sure if she wanted religious holiday ones or not, and then deciding on a mixture of the two. At one point, she turned around then back to the clerk, and said, “I had no idea there was such a line behind me.” D’oh.

With my coveted 98-cent stamp in hand, I walked to the next block to Laziz Biryani Corner for lunch, where I had their most excellent chicken kabob wrap. After that, next door, I bought two Apple ‘n Spice Dunkin’ Donuts, one for me and one for my officemate, one of which I gave to her when I got back to the office.

The bus ride home was, let’s just say, more “spread out” than going in. There were probably about ten of us on the bus. I ran to Food Lion and picked up a couple of things to make a “houseguest welcome package” to put on the bed for my imminently arriving guests.

I guess this is a “sign of the times” when welcoming guests whom you know will have laptops with them:

You can’t see them, but inside each of the mugs there is a condom. 🙂

Kevin and Ricardo arrived at around 7:00, and after a couple of drinks (okay, it was just me who had a couple of drinks), we headed down to MoJoe’s for dinner. We each had a burger (I got my usual “Inferno Burger”) and we split a basket of fries and a basket of wings among the three of us.

We rode home via Boylan Avenue where we awed Ricardo (NOT!) of the Raleigh skyline before saying, “Now look right and see Central Prison.”

At home, we all sat around the table—since it’s not possible to all sit around the TV, as I don’t have one—each on our own laptops and eventually we started an online Scrabble game amongst the three of us. That’s four I’m in now—one with Robert, one with Will and Kim, one with just Will and now this one with Kevin and Ricardo. Sweet!

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