A bus sunroof, an Afro on the bus, pizza night at the gym, and an affirmation-generating meme…

~Monday~  I caught the 8:15 city bus, which had a different driver than the usual one. He talked about sports with two guys sitting up front my entire trip. The discussion started off with basketball, during which one of the guys said, “I don’t care what nobody says, Sidney Lowe is the best point guard ever. And I’m a Carolina fan. But, Sidney Lowe was one of my all-time favorite ACC players.”

From there, the conversation turned to football, and my thoughts drifted… up… where I noted that the bus’s sunroof was open:

At the McKimmon stop, this young kid got on sporting a full-blown Afro. Having to have a picture of it, I made sure my flash was turned off, and then took a few pictures as discretely as possible until I got one in which the back-lighting didn’t obliterate the object of focus:

The weather was absolutely perfect this morning with low humidity and the temperature at right around 70°. Fabulous.

I had a productive work day, and took a late lunch at Sadlack’s and met my professor friend Susan Katz, whose stories I thoroughly enjoyed today. She outlined in an incredibly involved weekend coming up around the event of her grandson’s bar mitzvah.

David (my friend who works the counter), as was his mother (who is the cook), were on vacation and although the boy running the counter was on the hot side, he and whoever was in the back, really didn’t have a “system” down. It took way too long to get our sandwiches and when we did, I noted that I got chips instead of the fries I ordered, and mustard instead of the mayo I’d asked to have substituted on my sandwich. We’d waited so long for it, I just started in on it.

I was halfway through one half of the sandwich when counter man walked up with another basket in his hands that had the sweet potato fries and the sandwich I’d actually ordered on it. Bless his heart. And bless my heart for not even recognizing that the sandwich I had started in on was the completely wrong sandwich, as I had ordered turkey and the one I was eating was ham.

I got to the gym at about 6:15 and that place was the busiest I’ve ever seen it. Just teeming with folks. Some lady was there with a “Health by Design” name tag on and she had a flock of women with her lallygagging at times and at other times walking sideways with green rubber band type contraptions around their ankles. They looked like they should be saying, “Excuse me, excuse me,” as they sidled along in a crowded room.

At one point, I was on an arm muscles machine and a guy next to me standing by one of the leg muscles machines, just twisted his t-shirt and wrung sweat out of it into a little puddle on the floor. Can you say klassy?

I did an upper body workout, and I’m quite sure I won’t be able to lift up my arms tomorrow.

On the way out, I grabbed a slice of sausage and cheese pizza as it was “First-Monday-of-the-Month-Free-Pizza-Night” at my gym. The guy in front of me grabbed not one, not two, not three, but four pieces of pizza on his way out. And they are very large pieces. Again, klassy.

I met Joe at a little after 8:00 at the Caribou Coffee place at Duraleigh and Edwards Mill, where we chatted for about an hour before his sister Kathy called and he spent the last 45 minutes or so that we were there on the phone.

I got caught up in a Facebook meme, which is basically an affirmation generator, that went like this, so of course it appealed to me:

If you hit the “LIKE” button on this status, I will post on your wall what I like about you. Copy and paste to your own status. 🙂

Ten people clicked on the like button, and I sent out ten “affirmations.” And I received responses about me from these people:

Katherine Chandler I like how you inspire me to be a more thoughtful person.
Renee Hollowell I like how you never fail to floor me & my hubby with your kindness and generosity, and that you are an awesome friend to us! =)
Sarah Siegel I like your artful way of living. That you’re true to yourself. Your interest in being of service with your inventions, e.g., “…Excellent Adventure.” You as a dancer. That you can be a good friend to women….

Going to bed now with a warm heart.

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