It start with a P, the Clean-Up Woman, a Car Talk workout, a vulva puppet, & scareyoke…

~Sunday~  Here are two things I wanted to capture last night, but forgot to—both having to do with songs I heard on Foxy 107/104 on the way downtown to Courtney’s gig at Hibernian:

  1. The first was this song with the most inane lyrics by a guy with a deep—trying to be sexy—voice à la Barry White, that said, “I only eat things, if it start with a P. Like peaches, and pairs, and pineapples.” He went on and on with all kind of “P” foods, but the innuendo was inescapable and at the end he got to exactly where you knew he was heading the whole time: “And, yes, I’ll eat a snack in the bedroom Patricia, as long as the snack you got for me start with a P.”

    I found it interesting that he always used AAVE, “It start with a P,” while when the back-up singers were echoing him in the background, they used standard English, “It starts with a P.”

    I did a Google search with just about every combination of the lyrics I could remember, but I couldn’t find this song.

  2. The song that came on after that one took me way back. I used to own the 45 of this song:

I slept in this morning, oh glorious sleep, and pretty much just had a lazy day. Yay!

At about 5:15, I made myself go to the gym, where I did 40 minutes of cardio on the elliptical machine, for a 770-calorie burn. I listened to a podcast of Car Talk during the workout, so once again that means I was laughing out loud in several instances. Deal with it, people.

I stopped at the grocery store next door, where I bought a pint of Half & Half, and some shredded sharp cheddar cheese, with which I made some most delicious mashed potatoes from half of the five-pound bag of red potatoes I bought earlier in the week. Good stuff!

I also did a load of laundry—mixed colors and whites— this evening.

My dear friend, Anna, is in Vienna this week for the 18th Annual International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010), where among other things there is always an impressive display of contraceptive materials, and evidently, games associated with contraception. Here’s one she described, complete with a photo:

Wondrous Vulva Puppet

Her description: “They don’t sell these; you have to win them by either pinning a clitoris on a vulva (a team task involving one person blindfolded and another giving them oral directions to help them find the clitoris, of course) or quickly listing 5 words in your native language for vulva.”

I ventured down to Flex for some Scareyoke, where there were a boatload of Brians among the crowd. Well, a boatload is slight hyperbole; a trifecta at least: Brian/Noah (interesting story on the Noah part revealed), brianrdu, and “Home Depot” Brian, who Joe and I met last week while talking with Randy.

Tula Box also made an appearance and noted that she’s got a gig coming up on Thursday, September 2nd, in some new place opening up—or perhaps it already has, I’m not sure.

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