Fixed glasses, kids w/glasses, working from home, and exercising…

I worked from home today, since I had no meetings and needed to run to my eye doctor’s during lunchtime to get my partially-rimless glasses fixed. I had them hanging from the collar of my shirt on Saturday, and when @justis hugged me at Helios, a wire snapped that holds the lenses in and the right lens popped out. Fortunately, Triangle Visions fixed them for no charge.

There was this cutest little kid in there getting glasses. I’m sure it’s a real pain for little kids to get and wear glasses, but they look so precocious in them to me—like little intellectuals before their time.

I had a productive day working on OIT news items and editing an interview one of my colleagues did with our CIO.

I also created a project tracking entry in our website migration tracking wiki, and I had a fruitful exchange of e-mails with two groups whose work together provides one service to our customers, getting agreement on how to most efficiently create and update their respective content in our content management system.

Late in the afternoon, I started a load of laundry—another nice thing about working from home. I also prepared a small pot of butterscotch and hazelnut-flavored coffee, which I enjoyed with the last piece of “Jeanie-baby‘s fruit cake” from the holidays.

This year’s TED conference is going on, and I found out, via Facebook, that I actually know someone who went to it! Way cool.

Someone on Twitter tweeted about this (19-minute) presentation by Elizabeth Gilbert, which was of interest to me, because our (Mostly Social) book club read her book Eat, Pray, Love recently.

A Different Way to Think About Creative Genius

It was a roller-coaster ride for His Holiness’ Twitter page today. Apparently, it was determined that the Dalai Lama’s Twitter account that I “followed” yesterday was a hoax, so it now shows Twitter’s standard message for non-existent accounts:

However, at least one story said that when the Dalai Lama heard that over 20,000 people “followed” him—the fastest followed Twitter account ever—his office is now considering establishing a genuine account. Stay tuned.

Late update (11:00PM): Updates are happening again, with this disclaimer in its profile: “Not affiliated with the real Dalai Lama; Visit the official site for more information.” What fun with technology!

After completing a second load of laundry, I went to the gym, where I did 200 ab crunches followed by 40 minutes on the elliptical machine, which claimed that I burned off 785 calories. That is starting to get back up to the level I had achieved before falling off the wagon in September.

During my workout, I actually stopped listening to my iPod and connected my earbuds into the gadget to access the audio on the TVs, all of which were pretty much tuned to President Obama’s first address to the nation.

It was interesting to me that though these were all billed as “live broadcasts,” three of the TVs beside each other and above my machine (all tuned to different networks) were slightly out of sync. It was funny to see Obama turn his head one way, and then a second or two later see him do it on the TV to the left of the one I was watching, and then another second or two later on the third TV.

Back at home, I spent another couple of hours editing that interview of our CIO. I also checked my work email to see that said person had responded to a request of ours to use one of his tweets as a quote. Cool.

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