You’re repeating yourself—or maybe you aren’t

~Friday~ The prodigal porker returned to the gym today. My fatted calf—and my fatted thigh and other parts, for that matter—were like, “WTF?” I had the following short conversation with myself at about 6:00: Superego: How are you going to feel if you don’t go to the gym tonight? Ego: Shitty; down on yourself. Superego: … Read more

Burning flesh, unsolicited survey feedback, born the Glee way, and my name written all over it…

~Sunday~  I slept in and had a pretty lazy day. I peeled the bread off my lunch sandwich that I made at work yesterday, but didn’t eat, and which had become soggy, and I stuck it in my toaster oven on broil to “stiffen” it back up some. When I reached in the oven to … Read more

Hey baby on the bus, not sitting well, photo-in-a-photo, the back of the bus, & that’s not lasagna..

~Wednesday~  I was at the city bus stop at 8:15, and the bus arrived at 8:30. There were three kids in the back of the bus, two of whom talked loudly non-stop, while the other one, a baby, wailed intermittently. The bus made a stop in front of the new Bristol Creek apartments at the … Read more

Higher math change, sand-of-a-beach, catching up on Glee with Jen & Nala, and a little scareyoke…

~Sunday~  I woke up at just before 10:00 and immediately called the front desk asking for a late checkout, which they granted until 1:00. We were actually out of there by about 11:30, and we stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts, where I ordered a bagel with cream cheese, and a small coffee, which came to $3.65. … Read more

Routine weather, black butt mounds, Regis on his rear, Tweetle twee and non-muppet emo…

~Monday~  The weather was beautiful again this morning, and it’s the type of weather that if I had to pick weather that I wouldn’t mind living in for the rest of my life, this would be it. I’m sure some of you would argue that I’d get tired of it—miss the seasons, perhaps—but I’m an … Read more

Endearing egg yolks, Diet Squirt, scar-on-scar action, car damage assessment, & Glee…

~Tuesday~  I left my house by car at 8:18 and just missed both the Wolfline #1 and #9 buses. I checked the buses’ GPS via TVS and chose the #9 stop, as it was next to come. As I waited, I realized that I’d forgotten my hard-boiled egg whites this morning to go with my … Read more