Sign of progress, thatsa bowl of watermelon, tropical fun, Mesquite fries, Dixit, a sh*tty prize…

~Thursday~  I drove to work this morning, because I only needed a two-hour parking spot, of which there are plenty around my building when the students are out for the summer.

I got a big smile on my face when I got to the light at the Gorman and Kaplan intersection, where I saw a man in a white shirt and a tie standing by that sign I reported and taking a picture of it. I’m not quite sure why he would be doing that, as I provided them with a real nice picture when I reported the situation, but I was just glad to see that some action was being taken after that response I got yesterday about it.

I had three meetings today; well two meetings and an event.

First thing in the morning, I met with my boss and our intern to devise the “GoLinks” that we’re going to use in our communication around this month’s OIT News publication. We are using GoLinks to help us measure the effectiveness of the various venues (email, website, and Twitter) that we use to advertise the items in that publication. It will help us to learn: 1) which venues get the most traffic, and 2) which items are more popular to our audience.

I finished up that work just in time to drive over to the Avent Ferry Technology Center on the other side of campus for our weekly Google Implementation Team meeting from 10:30-noon, at which I took minutes.

I went home from there, where I had lunch for an hour, and then worked for an hour before heading over to our organization’s “Tropical Fun” event to which the 265-ish people in our organization were invited, and to which typically about 60-75 show up.

The fun was (indoors) at the JC Raulston Arboretum to which I brought my “Thatsa® Bowl” size Tupperware container full of sliced and seeded watermelon.

I wasn’t overly social at the gig, as most of the peeps who work in my immediate area weren’t there. I did have a nice chat with one of the directors, who is always a pleasure to talk with, and we talked about genres of books, and about the Harry Potter series of books.

There were games scattered all around the place available to play and several people did. There was a Wii game set up on a huge screen, Backgammon, UNO, an area around a whiteboard set up for Pictionary, as well as a number of others. I’d brought my Catch Phrase game, and was happy to see a group pick it up and play it.

After the event, I met Jen and Jason at Natty Greene’s, where we had a hilarious discussion about people’s appendages and what’s acceptable—and not acceptable—behavior in the men’s room.

After a short while Sarah Noell joined us, and then a little while after that, Sarah McKone. We split an order of  phenomenal Natty Greene’s Mesquite Fries, described as:

Mesquite Fries
Mesquite-seasoned fries topped with housemade cheese sauce, chopped applewood-smoked bacon and scallions; served with ranch dressing. $7.50

Sarah M. mentioned a game called Dixit, which sounded great, and is described as:

In Dixit each player at his turn plays the storyteller. He is given a single picture, while the other players get a hand of six pictures. The storyteller says a sentence or a word connected to his picture, then each player chooses one of his pictures to bet upon. All pictures are showed face up, and every player have to bet upon what picture was the storyteller’s.

If nobody or everybody finds the correct picture, the storyteller scores 0, and each of the other players scores 2. Otherwise the storyteller and whoever found the correct answer scores 3. Players scores 1 point for every vote gotten by their own picture. The game ends when the deck is empty. The greatest total wins the game.

It sounds like a real hoot.

I got home at around 6:30 with high hopes of going to the gym, but alas a nap won out. Imagine that.

I arrived at Flex at a little after 11:30, where I was actually not bugged by a bunch of people I’d rather not talk with. Sounds so catty, I know.

I spent most of the night talking with Loren—who’s a pleasure. My friend Cecil—who was done up in drag for tonight’s Miss Bolinwood Pageant, and who was quite liquored up (in a fun way)—kept stopping by us with different wigs on, including one time with just a tiara in his (real short, boy) hair. “I’m giving it a rest,” he quipped as he sauntered by.

A guy next to us won one of the legendary “shitty prizes” that’s an integral part of Trailer Park Prize Night (TPPN), and being the waif of a thing that he was, he left it on the pool table (which is covered during TPPN, and which we were all leaning against) and I (being the oink of a thing that I am) grabbed it on my way out:

Kraft Easy Mac four pack of microwaveable mac and acheese

Bless my mess.

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