Back to the buscapades, and a collection of affirmations from my 2011 ASB Gulf Coast trip…

~Monday~  I was at the city bus stop at 7:45, and the bus arrived at 7:53. There was a new driver today, an older lady, who said hello in response to my good morning. Just as the doors were closing Exercising Asian Man ran up to the door and boarded. He took the seat in … Read more

A Survivor primate, $omething’$ changed, back-door-front-door, and a bitter workout…

~Friday~  Finally a day in which I wasn’t running behind in the morning. I actually got out to the stop at 8:14 for the bus that doesn’t leave its originating stop about a mile away until 8:15. It might have had something to do with the fact that the university buses have stopped for winter … Read more