A productive day off, and catching up on a ton of podcasts while working out…

I got to Helios at around noon today, and while there, accomplished the following things:

  1. Nabbed a discarded copy of today’s the seven questions associated with the movie “Denise Calls Up.”
  2. Filled out the worksheet required to enter our STC Newsletter into competition.
  3. Wrote the front page article for the October newsletter.
  4. Wrote the “In support of defenses” article about ENG675 project defenses for the October newsletter.

I stopped by the Harris Teeter at Cameron Village on the way home from Helios, and fixed me the final killer Teriyaki Pepper Jack Burger for lunch at home. Yum!

I worked out at Carmichael, where I did 30 minutes, 410 calories, on the elliptical machine, followed by 30 minutes of walking, during which time I listened to 32 podcasts — mostly Slate Explainer podcasts.

The most interesting one, if also the most gruesome, was the explainer one answering the question, “Do dead bodies always float face down?”

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