I could throw up if I look at this long enough:
I spent the day at Service-Learning today, where I finalized the information about a conference coming up in July, and I participated in a 1.5-hour post postmortem-type meeting about our Celebration of Learning on May 3rd.
I also started going through all of my notes and papers on the Engaged College in anticipation of, on Friday, pulling together a snapshot of where we are, and coming up with my recommendation for our next steps.
I am absolutely loving having my own office to work in in our new building. Yay!
I listened to a bunch of podcasts while waiting for and riding the bus today; they included: three Car Talk podcasts, and about 10-12 Slate Explainer podcasts.
There was a decent crowd in the bar tonight.
For dancers, we had in addition to myself: Carl, Bill, Michael, Geromy, Rick, Ernie, Chris (zinnian), Shawn, Todd, their friend (David?), Rob, and this little guy whose name is Steven (or Stephen?) who used to dance with us quite a while ago, but then moved to Greensboro.
Tali and Ivead dropped by for a little while, and Geromy fell instantly in lust with Ivead.
On the way home when I turned on my phone, I had a message from Joe out in Santa Ana. He was just reporting the he had just passed by this huge building that appeared to be all glass and mirrors.