I feel your pain, editing, meeting preparation, and bar-hopping…

I have a few lady friends who would really go for this ultimate sharing idea themselves!

Huichol Indians are descendants of the Aztecs, and live in the mountains of North Central Mexico. Duirng traditional childbirth, the father sits above his labouring wife on the roof of their hut. Ropes are tied around his testicles and his wife holds onto the ends of these ropes. Each time she feels a painful contraction, she tugs on the ropes so that her husband will share some of the pain of bringing their baby into the world.

We got up around 8:00 this morning, and Robert made us some extra-strong coffee at my request.  I made some French Toast for breakfast, with a recipe from the Internet.

Robert was an absolute dear today, and after trimming weeds in my back yard, he cleaned my house—including carpet cleaning, floors, and bathrooms.

Thank you, my sweet!

We had lunch at Quizno’s, where I tried their new Baja Chicken sub. It was not bad, but I probably wouldn’t get it again. I like their Honey Bourbon Chicken sub better, and it’s on their “lite” list.

I did IBM editing work all afternoon, and a little bit of STC work in the early evening—preparing for Tuesday night’s officer’s meeting.

Our June MSBC meeting was canceled as: Mary was under the weather, Suzanne was in Costa Rica, and Sharon was in Concord.

I met Joe at Flex for some free pool, we listened to scareyoke for a while, and then went to Legends for the show, but left not too far into it. Same old, same old.

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