The party bus, working, checking in with Jeanie-baby, upcoming work schedule, and dancing…

The traveling bar bus is really something, but in the end, it’s all about the bottom line. [Safe For Work, Approximately 4.5 minutes long.]

Two funnies related to working—evidently, the bane of everyman‘s existence:


I don’t know if school’s for me, but I know working isn’t.

tags: growing up college [add]

2007-07-05 12:25:57 / Rating: 34.5 /

Yesterday, after not being in the office for over a week, I found my voice mail indicator on as I walked in. I had a message from Jeanie-baby: “Hello John? This is Jeane. I’m feeling real low right now, so I just wanted to brighten up my day by talking to you. Good-bye.”

I hate when I get a message like this five days after it was left.

I called Jeanie today, and thank [insert deity of choice here], she is in much better spirits; that is, if you can call a deity a spirit. [inside Sordid Lives joke]

Although better, she is not without being in some pain as a result of her recent spine-related surgery, for which during prep, she was diagnosed with diabetes.

I worked my third day of the week with IBM today instead of tomorrow, as tomorrow my sister, (a.k.a. Dr. Covington) is coming to town so that we can plan our conference session for July 29th, which is quickly approaching.

I’m rescheduling next week, too, from my regularly scheduled Monday-Tuesday-Thursday schedule to Monday-Tuesday-Friday to allow me to attend the service-learning conference at Virginia Tech on Wednesday and Thursday.

The following week, I’ll actually work my Monday and Tuesday days in Austin, fly back on Wednesday, and work my regularly scheduled Thursday from here.

We had appetizers for dinner tonight. Light cream cheese blended with some cocktail sauce, cold boiled shrimp, and bacon were involved.

We worked on a challenging Indy crossword puzzle, before taking a one-hourish nap.

Dancing was fun tonight. We had a good number of dancers, and the crowd actually grew as the night wore on.

Mike M. had me out there doing the East Coast Swing, and after my quick lesson last Saturday by bearzendurham, and Mike’s strong lead, I didn’t do half bad, if I may say so myself. Oops; already did.

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