I love that line from one of The Ten Trading Commandments, of which this is one:
Zig when others Zag.
Sell hope, buy despair and take the other side of emotional disconnects (in the context of controlled risk). If you can’t find the sheep in the herd, chances are that you’re it. |
I think that line applies to more than trading—it applies to life.
Can anyone tell me:
- What this field on a form might be for?
Please type the number 1 in lowercase letters:
- What does it mean to “type the number 1 in lowercase letters?” I mean there are just so many things obfuscated about this statement from a technical communications perspective:
- There’s just one character, so why the word “letters” as opposed to the word “letter”? Does it mean to type one? If so, it should say, “Spell the number 1 in lowercase letters.”
- Numbers don’t have cases.
- Numbers and letters are two different things. So, how can you type a number in any kind of letter—uppercase or lowercase?
- On my keyboard, if I press the shift key and press the key with the “1” on it, I get a “!” So it’s not like that’s an “uppercase 1.”
Maybe this has something to do with an international audience, but I’m baffled. I just don’t understand what it’s asking for and why.
Note: There will be an update on this in tomorrow’s blog entry, as I have e-mailed the creator of the website on which this form resides.
I spent a couple of glorious hours at Helios today—in spite of chasman not ever making an appearance.
I got a number of STC things done, including creating a questionnaire with SurveyBuilder, which I just love, to send to the faculty to get some date commitments for Fall STC events from them before their calendars fill up.
I met Robert at Irregardless for dinner, where we had the most delicious appetizer and entrees.
CRAB DIP – Back fin crab meat combined wit herbs spices and cheeses. Served hot with toasted pita points. |
CHEF’S SALAD – Crisp baby Asian greens tossed with romaine, sliced chicken breast, sprouts, mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, red onions, feta cheese, bell peppers, kalamata olives, sliced hard boiled egg, and sun flower seeds. Served with your choice of dressing. |
The choice of dressing, of course, was their famous lemon tahini.
Lemon Tahini Dressing – Irregardless’ house dressing for over a quarter of a century. Made right here in our restaurant from the finest and freshest ingredients: Tahini (toasted sesame butter), lemon juice, soy sauce, celery, bell pepper, onion, salt and pepper. |
Just a delicious, delicious meal. Thanks for suggesting we go there, my sweet!
Dancing was fun tonight, albeit we didn’t have nearly as many dancers as last week, but no “shortage” by any means either.
My favorite dances were my two-step with Robert to Planet of Love, and my two two-steps with Bill, especially the first one of the two we did in a row together.