I started my day off with a delightful walk with @Justis, from about 9:15 until 10:30. Various topics, among others, covered today: |
I still have eulogies on my mind. Reading today’s obits in the N&O (a daily ritual of mine), for every entry I thought, “I wonder who’s going to write a eulogy for this person.”
And after learning about summize.com, I entered “eulogy” as an argument, and was struck by how many people at any given time are thinking about, working on, and “tweeting” about, eulogies. Here’s one page of what it returned:
As you can see, I’m still hanging in there on the first page, but it goes on for pages. Interesting stuff.
Not to , but on the way to Helios, on Ashe Avenue, I saw Thomas (who works at Helios) walking. I pulled over, rolled down my window, and asked, “Need a ride to Helios?”
He jumped in and asked me what I’ve been up to. I mentioned writing a eulogy, and he said, “Oh yeah, I saw that in your twitter blurbs, but I didn’t read your blog to see if it was a project you were doing or if you were really writing one for someone.”
When I filled him in, he expressed sorrow for my loss, and then told me a great story about the eulogy he delivered for his father. Sweet.
I spent a few hours at Helios, where I surfed the Internet, blogged, tweeted, edited, and had lunch. At a little after 2:00, my friend Kim made an unexpected appearance. It was a glorious day to be working at a new bar they installed, which is in a doorway that wasn’t used much, so you face out toward the patio and Glenwood Avenue there. The weather was perfect for it.
Kevin (av8rdude) arrived at about 2:30, and we hung out there until about 5:30, when he had to leave to pick up Kurt. I left at about 6:45, and stopped by K&W at Cameron Village for dinner on the way home.
Passing the library on the way home, I was reminded that one of my books is due today. Must drop it off later this evening.
This is just brilliant:

At home, I completed Brendan’s edit right at 9:00, which frees up my weekend. Yay! I hope to work on my home page conversion for most of it.
I took a 45-minute nap, and got to Flex at about 10:20, stopping at the library’s overnight book drop on the way. There wasn’t really anyone I knew at Flex, but after a while, Joe, Phil, and their friend Steve came, so the four of us chatted until about 12:15, at which time we all left.
Right at the top of the stairs, there was a short, black lady with some of her teeth, and holding in her hand a can—unopened—of what I at first thought was Spam, but turned out to be Vienna Sausages, and a taller, black guy with her who said, “Can we have two dollars man?” to all four of us.