CFCU to SECU transfer, bus experimentation, and a late workout…

I worked from home this morning, and during lunch time I ran to Coastal Federal Credit Union (CFCU), where I:

  1. Changed my mortgage payment to be drafted from my new State Employees Credit Union checking account instead of my CFCU checking account.
  2. Did the same with my home equity loan payment.
  3. Stopped my first-of-the-month transfer of $450 from CFCU checking into CFCU savings.
  4. Withdrew $5000 from my CFCU savings account—50 crisp new $100 bills—to transfer to my SECU account.

I stopped by the USPS Parcel place on Lake Dam Road to pick up a package with the notice left on my door yesterday.

I assumed it was a travel valise for all of your travel documents from AARP, which was promised upon joining. It turned out to be a free one (much smaller, though) from the People to People organization, along with two, large, round luggage tags identifying our bags as part of the delegation. Love those.

All of the park and ride spots at the Food Lion at Avent Ferry were once again taken, so I parked way at the other end of the parking lot, by the Hardee’s, and walked over to Avent Ferry to catch the Avent Ferry bus instead of the Greek Village bus.

Today’s BUStle (Inbound)
There was a “nice Asian boy” sitting in the seat immediately to the left of me, on his phone, and I could barely hear him talking. I definitely could not hear what he was saying.

Straight across the aisle from him, so across and one to the left of me, is this coed on the phone, who talked the entire ride. She had two notebooks on her lap, one had NCSU down the binding, and the other one, sitting on top, said, “Genetics Notebook.”

Her conversation on the other hand, I could hear every word of, including this line: “I don’t know why she’s so drama-filled.” I was very tempted to say, “Girl, for the same reason you obviously are unable to detect how incredibly loud you are yammering on the phone. Perhaps it’s… genetic!”

After putting my stuff down in my office, I ran over to the SECU, two blocks from my office, and I deposited a $650 check from IBM (vacation money owed me), $2000 into my SECU checking account of that $5000 I took out of the CFCU, and the other $3000 of it into my SECU savings account.

After counting the 50 one-hundred dollar bills, the cashier said, “You know, in the future, if you withdraw a lot of money like this to transfer, you can ask them to cut you a cashier’s check instead of carrying around all this cash.”

I looked at him with my I-never-pay-unnecessary-service-fees-ever look, and said, “They charge me two bucks for a cashier’s check.”

I might do this the next time, however: I can just write a check out of my CFCU checking account and deposit that in my SECU account. I’ve got to find some ways to use the about 500 CFCU checks I have left, of which I use on the average about five a year. At that rate I’ll finish them in a hundred years.

This afternoon, Jen introduced me to two young whippersnappers over in her group—Garrison and Jason. The five of us had a mini Twitter and blogging frenzy, and I think we’re all going to get along just fine. We’re starting a grass roots 21st century communication coup in the office.

Also this afternoon, I read NC State University’s Computer Use Regulation, which was hardly fascinating, but totally what you’d expect. I did like this language, which takes care of something that actually wasn’t spelled out explicitly in IBM’s rules and regulations:

Personal statements are not allowed in signature blocks; signatures should not include:

  1. Religious views
  2. Political campaign positions
  3. Proselytizing remarks
  4. Quotation

This really appeals to me.

A blog-posting comment affirmation today:

Sep. 22nd, 2008 03:06 pm (local)  [info] CPEEL wrote:
Kudos for being straightforward (but not straight ;)) with your manager about your office mate concerns. I think the interaction illustrates a good dose of self-preservation and concern for others. I’m excited you’ve found a place/manager that encourages you to be the amazing person you are!

This was in reference to my conversation on Thursday with my manager, Jude, after that meeting with Stan.

I’ve made a correction (of course I have) to a “missed connection” personal on craigslist:

This morning around 8:40 we got stopped at the light where Capital/Dawson enters downtown and exchanged a couple looks. Me = cute full of myself, blond, mid 20s, sporty blue car. You = about 30 with dark buzzed hair. Tell me what kind of car you were driving so I’ll know it’s you. I’d like to exchange more than just a couple looks.

People! You let other people say you’re cute.

All of the park and ride spots at the Food Lion at Avent Ferry were once again taken, so I parked way at the other end of the parking lot, by the Hardee’s, and walked over to Avent Ferry to catch the Avent Ferry bus instead of the Greek Village bus.

Today’s BUStle (Outbound)
It’s incredible what you don’t notice when you’re not looking. There was a very large number of people waiting for various buses today. I’ve never really paid attention to how many people actually use public transportation here in Raleigh.

I decided to try the “city bus,” known as the CAT (Capital Area Transit) bus, as the entire city bus system is available free to state employees, as well as NC State University students.

Route Number 12, Method Road, has a stop right at the bottom of the entrance to my townhouses, which is much, much closer than walking down to where Kaplan intersects with Gorman to catch the Wolfline Greek Village bus.

This is going to be the deal from now on, but today it had its drawback in that it dropped me off right by my townhouse, but my car was parked over at the Avent Ferry shopping center, where I parked it at lunchtime to catch the Wolfline.

Another thing that’s going to be a—permanent—drawback is that there was not one hot college kid on the city bus. But I digress…

Another good thing about it, though, is that I noted a stop right at the Method Community Center, which is where I vote. That’ll be right on time this November.

After changing into workout clothes, I walked over to the Avent Ferry shopping center to get my car. I had a fun phone conversation with my sister during that time—catching up on how my mother’s doing after her surgery, and her filling me in on another very successful GLBT education session she did with some NC Teaching Fellows today. Yay!

I’ve been avoiding the gym the last few days due to my knee situation, but today I said, “It’s time to get back on the horse.” Today’s workout record:

 Exercise Category

 Exercise Type




Lower Body

40 minutes

Resistance Machines


 Elliptical Machine

20 minutes

Resistance Level: 3, Calories Burned: 355

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