Flossing, why Rx is prescription, workout headgames, and affirmations…

~Sunday~ I fixed the most delicious—if I may say so myself (I just did, actually)—Western omelets for breakfast today. They were accompanied by two turkey sausage links each and a half of a bagel each. And coffee (of course!) made by Robert.

I’m coming down the home stretch in terms of being ready for my semi-annual teeth cleaning coming up on Wednesday. That is to say, after four days straight of flossing, almost no blood appears when I rinse out my mouth. By Wednesday, it should look like I’ve been flossing every day for the last six months. I know my secret’s safe with you.

I stopped by the K-Mart pharmacy on my way to the gym, where I refilled my Lisinopril prescription. I also alerted my pharmacist that I didn’t want my Protonix auto-refilled, as it really isn’t where I want it to be in terms of treating my reflux. I am going to try the Omeprazole prescription that Amy also wrote for me at my last visit. If that doesn’t do it, I’ll return to the (five times more expensive) Nexium.

As an aside, while at the pharmacy I wondered how Rx became the abbreviation for prescription. At wikianswers.com, they provide the correct answer, as well as the “real” correct answer, if you’re interested, too.

At the gym, I did 300 ab crunches (15 sets of 20 reps), followed by 60 minutes on the elliptical machine, during which I listened to “workout music,” and burned off a whopping 1164 calories. As they often do, mind games ensued a ways into my workout:

20 minutes in: “I’m beat. I’m going to stop at 30 minutes.”
29 minutes in: “Oh, I like this song. I’m going to go a few more minutes.”
32 minutes in: “Okay, I’ll do 40 minutes today. That’s only 8 more minutes.”
40 minutes in: “Okay, 45.”
45 minutes in: “Actually, I’m feeling okay, might as well go the distance.”

Sunday brings the weekly PostSecret update, and a comment sent in about this card made me laugh and think of something else.

The comment that was posted right after it said:

I like to rearrange the inside of my medicine cabinet according to who is visiting me. When my coworkers come over for a dinner party I hide my generic products and replace them with my designer perfumes and makeup. If I decide to scare off my date, I pull out my herpes medication and “display” it. My favorite is to “accidentally” forget to hide my sex toys when mom drops by.

This also reminded me of the Marbles in the Medicine Cabinet prank.

Stories like this make me cringe. It’s also the reason I have my own obituary already written.

I had a nice Facebook exchange with a beautiful person, my friend Erin. First this affirmation with regards to a meme that’s going around Facebook, called the 3s of YOU. She posted this after reading my responses:

This is just not enough food for hungry minds. I think John needs at least a “10s of Him”; goodness knows I would love to know “10 of him”, but there is truly only ONE. xoxo, JM!

And later, in a Facebook email, this rumination on affirmations, ending with one:

You know… I was just thinking that sometimes “affirmations” are much bigger than what most people interpret them to be. Like messages from beyond the giver. I get them all the time, very *coincidentally* (I think NOT!), when I am trying to work something out and heading down what must be the right path. Just happened again a minute ago. I like that you document them, because we all should. (“PAY ATTENTION!!!!”)

BTW, knowing you is a privilege and a gift, John.

Karaoke was fun tonight. Rodney (along with Mary K. Mart) dropped by on their way to Legends, and kudos all-around was given to Rodney for his incredible performance as the “church lady” at Friday’s Drag Bingo event. In retrospect, I wish I’d gotten a picture of him. I was so mesmerized by his performance, that I didn’t even think about grabbing my camera during it.

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