~Tuesday~ I woke up to some sort of stomach virus this morning, and I decided that I’d rather be in the bathroom every 10 minutes in the privacy of my own home than at work. I sent an e-mail to my boss asking if I could work from home today, saying if not, then I’d need to take a sick day. She graciously let me work from home, which I very much appreciate.
I felt lethargic at lunch time, so took a nap during my lunch hour. I felt hot and then had a quick bout of chills when I got up, so I took my temperature. 99.8. I took it again at 3:45. 100.5. I took two (500mg) Tylenol after that.
I’ve got several things coming up this week and weekend for which being sick will be a huge buzzkill: dancing tomorrow night, a play Thursday night, and off to the beach for the weekend (for the first time this year) on Friday morning.
A little over three years ago, on July 19, 2006, I was cited with “not stopping at a duly erected stop sign.” (I got your duly erection.) Several weeks later on August 4, 2006, exactly three years ago today, I spent what turned out to be a frustrating day in court, not to mention finding out about a year later—a pretty much ineffective day in court.
When I did finally got before the judge, this is how the conversation went:
He said, “Mr. Martin, it says here you’re charged with failure to come to a complete stop at a duly erected stop sign. Do you wish to admit guilt to this charge?”
I replied, “I would like to request a Prayer for Judgment on this charge, sir.” “I’ll be happy to give you a Prayer for Judgment Continued (PJC),” he said and smiled. “Mr. Martin, step up to the clerk over here, and she’ll get you the paperwork you’ll need for the cashier. And I see that we’ve ‘slipped you in’ today, so make sure you get a receipt. Make sure you get a receipt. Make sure you get, and keep, your receipt.” Yes, he said it three times, while shaking his head. “There’s a good chance something won’t be recorded correctly, though the clerk you’re going to there is the best of the best. Still. It’s a big system.“ |
As foreshadowed by that judge, a year later, after the paperwork finally made its way through the system I guess, I was notified by my insurance company that my rate was going up. When I called to ask WTF, that I had been awarded a PJC for that, they said, “I’m sorry we have no record of a PJC. You now have one insurance point, so your premium will go up in next month’s renewal, and it’ll stay on your record for three years. Well, the clock actually starts from last July, so technically, you’ll pay the extra premium for two years instead of three.”
They said I could go down to the courthouse, taking any records I had, blah, blah, blah, my eyes glazing over at the mere thought of the potential hassle of following through with the suggestion, and I decided to just go ahead and take the point, since I basically already had a free year toward it, and save my PJC in case something “bigger” came along.
So, to make a long story short (I know, “Too late!”) today’s the three-year anniversary of that charge. My September renewal will bring about lowered rates. Yay.
Someone tweeted this very cool picture taking coffee to a whole new level:
I wonder how the cups that have cream in them to vary the color stay “stirred” enough to maintain the proper shading.
This just in from graphjam.com, a flowchart to help you decide whether or not to buy a Snuggie:
Right after waking up from a late afternoon nap, my temperature had dropped from 100.5 to 99.7. About an hour later it was 99.1. The bathroom trips, however, still weren’t where they needed to be.
I appreciate the many, many affirmations on Facebook today about my health status tweets.
Temperature reading right before bed was 99.0. Yay. Going to read a little bit of All Through the Night. I’m just under halfway done, and it’s pretty engaging.
The last time I read a Mary Higgins Clark mystery was with Milton and Jeanie-baby. RIP both of you.