A tabula rasa bus, lunch w/Jude, Anna’s birthday & website affirmations, Kevin’s coming, & TPPN…

~Thursday~  I didn’t take any notes about my bus ride in and my mind is like a tabula rasa about it.

I had lunch with Jude (my boss, who’s a woman, by the way—it’s short for Judith) at Laziz Biryani Corner, a place we both love. She “cashed in” her “Boss’s Day virtual gift card,” and since there are no gift cards for Laziz Biryani Corner, that means I picked up the tab. As always, we had good conversation over an hour that flew by.

I met with two colleagues, Tim Jones and Jason Austin, from 1:00-2:00, where we began to plan a presentation we’re giving in a class called Tweeting for the University, which we’re giving in a couple of weeks. Good people. Both of them.

Following that, we had our weekly 1.5-hour working team meeting, but since Jude and I were going through the accessibility website re-location and potential redesign, a project in which Rhonda is not involved, Rhonda left to go attend an e-EDUCAUSE session, which was being conferenced in from Denver in one of our conference rooms.

I sent a link to the new website I created with Google Sites for our Alternative Spring Break trip to my co-advisor (who’s out of town right now) and our team leader. I got this back from Jackie, the Team Leader:

 Hi John!

The website looks awesome!!! I would love to share that with the group and keep adding to it. I think it would serve as a great resource to the team members and is a great way for them to share with others what they will be doing. I also think it would be wonderful if we could include some blogging in it like you mentioned (pre-trip, during and post-trip). I’m very excited about this.

Thank you!

After some back and forth about an invitation, Robert and I have now RSVPed to witness my sister’s induction into ECU‘s Educators Hall of Fame on Saturday, November 21st. Yay!

Today was my friend Anna’s birthday, and I wrote this for her on Facebook:

A birthday haiku
This one is for you, Anna
I thank your mother

She responded:

How did you know of my haiku love?! That is the sweetest sentiment… and such graceful presentation! You are one of the happenings that has made 40 so special and 41 so promising. Love you!

An affirmation begets an affirmation. Share the love.

My friend Kevin (av8rdude) is coming to visit in December. Actually, he’s coming to spend a couple of days here coaching a soccer tournament. His boyfriend Ricardo will be coming, too. Yay!

I met Alex and Bill out for Trailer Park Prize Night, which was emceed by “Ms. Mimms” tonight. QueerDonna was also in the show and looking festive.

I spent a good chunk of time talking with Gray as Alex and Bill didn’t get there until after 11:00. They had gone to see Coco Before Chanel.

I had every intention of leaving there right when the show started, but that didn’t happen. Can’t even say I left before the show was over. Too late for a “school night!” Oh well, it was fun, though.

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